63 more or less fit. Trying to maintain.

bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member
edited October 2016 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I can still climb Mt Evans! I am more fit now than I was at 20. Pretty weird. Either that or my memory is somewhat distorted.


  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    That's awesome!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    It was my super fit dad and stepmom (ages 62 and 59) that inspired my recent weight loss. I want to be sure I'm as active and healthy at their age. Congrats to you!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm with you there. I too am fitter at 63 than 20. It is a great age to climb mountains, rapel waterfalls, snorkel, trek through forests, and travel the world.

    I have maintained for a few years now, no reason why you can't too- and enjoy the wonderful benefits. Well done!

    Cheers, h.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited October 2016
    While I am very fit for my age and weight (66, 5'8", 166#, 16.9%BF, SQT 230, DL 300 and BP 185) and, although I would like to believe otherwise, I don't think that I am more fit than I was when I was younger because there's no doubt that age has weakened and slowed me down over time.

    As much as we rage against it, such is the reality of growing old.
  • bocasdelbob
    bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    While I am very fit for my age and weight (66, 5'8", 166#, 16.9%BF, SQT 230, DL 300 and BP 185) and, although I would like to believe otherwise, I don't think that I am more fit than I was when I was younger because there's no doubt that age has weakened and slowed me down over time.

    As much as we rage against it, such is the reality of growing old.

    Yes, but when I was young I wasn't much for active. Pretty sedentary. Smoked. Drank a lot. So I mostly agree with you, but I can still say I am more fit. I ain't as fit as you though. 16.9% Dang! I thought I was hot stuff for getting under 25% You are my new inspiration. I am going to re-up my gym membership.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    16.9% Dang! I thought I was hot stuff for getting under 25% You are my new inspiration. I am going to re-up my gym membership.

    I actually got down to 12.5%BF at 158# back in June 2012 (at age 61) and rose a bit to 14.3%BF at 169 in Dec 2012 (at age 62). I've lost 30 lbs in the past 5 months (166 down from 196) and my objective is to get my BF back below 15% but I don't want my weight to drop below 165 this time around.

    I haven't had a gym membership for years; have a complete home gym in my garage. However, starting Jan 2017, I'll be getting new medical coverage w/United Healthcare, which includes a free gym membership for seniors w/the coverage. Something called "Silver Sneakers." Kaiser also has a free gym program for seniors called "Silver and Fit" but Blue Shield, my current carrier, does not provide such a benefit.

    Since I have all of the workout gear I need at home, I will probably only use the membership to gain access to certain cardio equipment (elliptical and stairmaster) and to use their sauna and steam room, if they have one.
  • bocasdelbob
    bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member
    edited October 2016
    sgt1372 wrote: »

    I actually got down to 12.5%BF at 158# back in June 2012 (at age 61) and rose a bit to 14.3%BF at 169 in Dec 2012 (at age 62). I've lost 30 lbs in the past 5 months (166 down from 196) and my objective is to get my BF back below 15% but I don't want my weight to drop below 165 this time around.

    I can't imagine being 165. We are talking high school weight here. My next goal is like 179 and that is not a big step. Maybe I should be thinking BF of less than 20. I should do some lifting though. Combination of my posture and upper body mass gives me a bit of a cringe when I look in the mirror. But what the heck, I am an old man. Too late for bodybuilding ambitions. My ambition is mostly driven by activity or to stay continuously able. Like you say avoiding walkers and wheelchairs.

    Last time I was in a gym membership I hurt my rotator cuff doing pec fly. I think that is what you call it. That seems to be healed now so I might approach that again with way more caution. Maybe do low weight and millions of reps. Otherwise gym for me is all cardio. I used to do spin class like every other day. I got kind of cross threaded with people there though. I got to figure that out and make some changes on my next iteration. No politics. No religion. Me trying to be funny doesn't usually pan out. Gotta remember that.

    I investigated a gym on Monday. They don't have a pool, which I never used anyway. They only have one spin bike, no classes. It costs a few dollars more than my old gym and looks to have less amenity. I will probably buy 3 months worth starting Nov. though.

    In Nov. my climbing track will be snow packed and it will otherwise be cold enough to damp my motivation.
    But otherwise yeah, this initial phase of my retirement seems quite satisfying. Many of my high school buds and age peers ain't even moving. Didn't get no retirement. So I ain't gonna caterwaul too much about not getting a motorhome.
  • BarbaraJatmfp
    BarbaraJatmfp Posts: 463 Member
    Glad you are enjoying retirement. It looks like your new job will be to have fun while exercising. And the next time you climb Mt. Evans, You might get another PR. Then it WILL mean something because you beat your previous time.

    Congratulations on your achievements. Retirement is going to be fun for you.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Heh! Today I went climbing to try out my new fitness tracker watch. So that thing connects to a doodad called strava and this here MFP. So I climbed 3300 feet in 2 hours and 30 minute. I don't sound so impressive when I tell you that the round trip was only 20 miles. But it has this thing called PR's. Personal records. So I got some personal records today. But kind of not really. They are only PR's because I got the new watch. I am having fun I seen an animal today that I couldn't identify. From pics on the internet I could only guess hedgehog. But I don't think we got those around here.
    Otherwise I seen every kind of wild animal on past climbs. Bears, cougar, bobcat, turkeys, deer ... Ahhh... I love it.
    And I just ate two slices of pizza and my calories are still a shade under budget.

    In Colorado? I see them all the time on the western slope. The locals call them "Whistle Pigs". The are marmots. I think they are the same as hedgehogs, or even groundhogs.

    You might want to look into the "Silver Sneakers" program. Many gyms have it.
  • bocasdelbob
    bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member

    In Colorado? I see them all the time on the western slope. The locals call them "Whistle Pigs". The are marmots. I think they are the same as hedgehogs, or even groundhogs.

    You might want to look into the "Silver Sneakers" program. Many gyms have it.

    Oh no, not a whistle pig. I am quite familiar with those guys. This thing was smaller than a football, didn't have a tail, had kind of spikey fur that brownish peppered with white that kind of gave an overall grey look. I been looking at wildlife pictures everywhere trying to figure that guy out. I might call the forest service today now that I think again about it.

    Here is me confirming that I know what a whistle pig looks like ...
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited October 2016
    America has no wild hedgehogs, but there are some breeders in Colorado. Maybe he was a pet "escapee " or a young porcupine?
  • bocasdelbob
    bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    America has no wild hedgehogs, but there are some breeders in Colorado. Maybe he was a pet "escapee " or a young porcupine?

    I thought about juvenile porcupine. It was pretty fast though. My ideas about porcupines is they aren't all that fast. Young ones, I don't know. That might be the best guess. I just off a call from the Forest Service. I left voice message to their biologist. Can't wait to see what she has to say about it.

    I like to take pictures. Things I can't photograph though are animals that are faster than me getting my camera out and the time it takes for digital camera to "boot up." I got to figure out a faster camera. Maybe I will stick a goPro on my head and rig it to act when I say "click" or something. I ain't never been able to photo fast and shy animals like cougar or bobcat.
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    63 is still young lol...well done on your new found fitness!!