Looking to lean out.

Feel like I have hit that wall was at 272lbs dropped to 194 now back to 220. Really want to lean out any suggestions.


  • Nikkimartini418
    Nikkimartini418 Posts: 14 Member
    Cardio is the key to lose the fat. Good luck on your journey!
  • chrisallaire1
    chrisallaire1 Posts: 4 Member
    You've lost the weight before so that should give you some confidence. The key is to get into a routine of eating enough healthy food that you enjoy and working out consistently. If you're looking to build lean muscle, I'd recommend lifting before doing cardio. Low weight and high reps. If you start to see yourself plateau in two to three months then switch up your workout routine to change the usual stress on your muscles.
  • jamesdaustin70
    jamesdaustin70 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2016
    I do an hour of treadmill every day and go for a nice hike on the weekends and it has really helped me. I have dropped a steady 5 lbs in three weeks and I feel great.