Inspire me

Stress free encouragement. Focus on heart health.


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    .. Whoo, go for it!

    Didn't give us much information to use that we can encourage you with, though. xD What is your plan?
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    I started using this app as a tool to lose weight because I was morbidly obese. My cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure were all too high and the doctor decided I needed drugs to bring the numbers down. After some googling, I realized that I was at risk for metabolic syndrome and the DASH diet was pretty close to what I needed. I monitored mostly protein (to preserve muscle during weight loss), saturated fats, and sugar in my diet. Basically a protein rich, low fat diet.

    After losing about 20 pounds I started walking more. I started using a Fitbit to track my activity and it helped me to realize how sedentary I truly was. I started moving more and my blood pressure started coming down.

    Today is one year later and all my numbers are in the excellent range. I have lost over 100 pounds and have a normal BMI. I have gone from walking one block to doing a 10K walk/run this December. I feel great and can hardly believe how simple (not easy) it was to monitor my calories in versus my calories out. I was a lot like my mom and she died at 65. Now I'm living like my dad and he's in his 90's. I have a whole new and bright outlook on life.

    We all have the gift of free will. We can choose to continue with unhealthy habits that will shorten our life here on earth or we can choose to change our unhealthy habits. I chose to change mine. :)