Losing weight with weights?

Can I still lose more weight if I begin to use kettle bell exercises everyday? I'm currently around 123 but my goal is 115 or so. The reason I want to do these weight exercises is because even though I don't weigh that much anymore, I'm carrying all my fat around my lower stomach and have really skinny legs naturally so I look like an ice cream cone :( also my body fat percentage is high and I want to lower that. Any advice on targeting getting rid of belly fat is appreciated!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Have you read any of the stickies at the top of these boards?

    this one is good

  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    Couple of things. Yes, you can lose weight and lift weights. It's actually encouraged to do strength training while cutting calories so your muscles don't atrophy as quickly.

    No, you can't "target" fat. For most, belly fat is the last to go. It's even worse for men. Women tend to lose it before legs. You have to drop your body's overall body fat percentage.

    When you've gotten to a healthy weight, often that last 2-3% body fat could be what's covering the abs.