Different Macro Ratios

I'm curious to know what ratios have helped people make the most progress. My trainer has mine at 45%Carbs, 35%Protein, and 20% Fat.


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    5%C / 20%P / 75%F works best for me.
  • MattHawkins2016
    MattHawkins2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you doing a Keto diet?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    This is going to be different for everyone and you should experiment and find ratios that make you feel good at the end of the day and keep you within your calorie limit comfortably.

    I feel good at 120-130g protein, 105g fat and rest carbs (around 305-350g). "Make the most progress" is really general but that has worked for me when cutting, at maintenance and bulking.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I personally do best around 40c/30/30

  • MattHawkins2016
    MattHawkins2016 Posts: 4 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Only total calories matter. There are USDA recommendations for protein (.8-1.2g per pound LBM) and fat (less than 10% from saturated fats and 0% trans fats), but beyond this, you should eat the macro ratio that suits you best. Everyone has their own preferances when it comes to satiety, energy levels, etc. Some do better with more carbs, less carbs, higher fat, etc.

    Find what works best for you WHILE maintaining a calorie deficit and hitting your recommendations.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    What works best for me is not counting macros. I'm sure mine are all over the place.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Calorie deficit for fat loss.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Calorie deficit for fat loss.

    Agreed, but your ratios will look different on a bulk vs a cut. I tend to ramp up my carbs and, to a lesser extent, fats during a bulk.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Personally, I think people worry about this way too much for not...

    I agree. Throughout my time on MFP (2-1/2 years now), I've lost, maintained, bulked, and am finishing my cut, without much fuss or difficulty.

    My personal choice has always been to eat mostly whole foods, strive to eat lots of plants (always a work in progress for me), limit (not restrict or abolish) fast foods and treats, and listen to my body.

    Basically, my goal is to eat my veggies and protein (like Nana told me, lol), then I can have dessert (or whatever indulgence of choice) if there's calorie room.
  • Deanthedog
    Deanthedog Posts: 122 Member
    High protein med fat and low carb
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm curious to know what ratios have helped people make the most progress. My trainer has mine at 45%Carbs, 35%Protein, and 20% Fat.
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Sustained calorie deficit creates weight loss. The larger the deficit, the faster the loss. But the larger the deficit, the more difficult it will be to stick to. Noticeable weight loss takes a long time. (And keeping it off takes forever.) So stick to it you must. A good macro ratio - providing you with the optimal nutritional balance - will make it as easy as possible to stick to a calorie deficit. What is easy to stick to, is individual. Some ranges are useful as guidelines, though, and one gram per kilo of healthy body weight is a good minimum goal for fat and protein.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    I lost all of my weight with the default macros of 50% C, 20% P, 30% F. I always try to hit my protien and I don't really pay much attention to the other 2 macros. For fat loss the most important thing is the calorie deficit. For me protien helps me stay full and it helps prevent too much muscle loss. I recently changed it to 45% C, 25% P, 30% F.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited October 2016
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Whichever one provides the best satiety and makes it the easiest for you to stick to your calorie intake. The rest is largely academic. Somewhere around 40c/30p/30f has worked well for me, but there's nothing wrong with your 45/35/20 either if it works for you.

    [ETA:] I have my macros set at 40/30/30, but I mainly aim to hit my protein goal and let the rest fall in place - which, for the way I eat, generally comes in somewhere around the above ratio without even consciously trying.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    They are fairly irrelevant to fat loss...you burn fat as fuel when you consume fewer calories than your body requires to maintain the status quot...basically your fat is your back up generator and is used to compensate for energy deficiencies.

    They can be somewhat useful to be aware of, particularly if your diet is poor and unbalanced...they also may have some impact on fitness performance and recovery as well as overall body composition...but I've always just taken a more or less aware approach than my macros have to be exactly X, Y, and Z...I just don't think it's hugely important for most people so long as they are eating a healthy, well balanced diet.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I should clarify, I meant to say what ratio has worked best for fat loss? I want to try some different ratios and see what really works for me.

    Never stuck to a fixed ratio - minimum protein and fat goals only (rest of daily calorie allowance hugely variable macro distribution).
    Training hard and (crucially) eating at a sensible weekly deficit worked very well for fat loss.

    Long term adherence plus enjoyment of life, training and food are far more important than precision IMHO.
    I don't log food now and still progressing.
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    edited October 2016
    Macro tracking serves its own goal/purpose of which the goal of simply "losing fat" isnt really its intended purpose. While it will happen it isn't necessarily what its targeted to be used for.

    As others said a calorie deficit should serve the purpose of losing fat.

    I really liked the last statement that sijomial made, but I also agree its good to get a fundamental understanding of what foods has what "kinds" of calories as to make sure your not eating well over any maintenance levels at the very least. I tend to eat same foods weekly so once I tracked my calories for a while I can pretty much gauge my caloric intake. I do track macros though, but that is due to the training and goal I have set for myself for this year coupled with some health issues that are exclusive to my situation.

    fyi my macros are 45/30/25. I'm on a lean bulk , but gaining really isn't happening too much so I personally think I have to change it up.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited October 2016
    Are you doing a Keto diet?

    Yes. It has worked well to help me in weight loss and balance my blood glucose.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited October 2016
    40P/40C/20F has worked best for me.

    Lost 40# 3 yrs ago and 30# in the past 5 months using these macros.

    Currently at 165#"(down from 196) @16.9% BF (down from over 25%BF).