Fitbit / my fitness pal

Question for everyone....if you wear a Fitbit and have it connected to MFP, do you still add exercise?

I.E. Today I went on a hour and a half hike. Which ultimately MFP automatically adjust my calorie goal for the day and gave me an extra 250 because of my steps and heart rate, etc. Should I manually add "hiking" on MFP?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Hiking is step based and something fitbit would already track very well so I wouldn't add it. Personally I wouldn't add any extra exercises and just let fitbit do its thing, but I know people like to eat more and so they do add in as much as possible. If you can still lose while eating so many extra calories then log it, but if you stop losing that's one place I would modify.