Love Ourselves Daily-Journal Challenge

I started my fitness journey almost four years ago. I was able to lose all the weight I wanted and more. Unfortunately I didn't always do this the healthy way. I struggled and still struggle with binge eating. I also compulsively exercise. I am now at the highest weight I've ever been. I have goals of weight loss, however I want to go about it the healthy way. For me, that starts with taking care of my mental and emotional self first. Tomorrow, I plan to shop for a journal at Barnes and Noble. One that I will specifically use as a "Love myself" journal. Each day I will wake up and start my entry with a positive affirmation. Tomorrow I will start with "I am lovable". If anyone else wants to join me, or has input for moving forward in a positive way, I greatly appreciate any and all feedback!

Thank you <3


  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you to those of you who have reached out to me after my most recent post. It feels so good to be reassured that I am not alone on this journey.

    Today's positive affirmation that I journaled on was "I'm a confident, powerful, successful person who can achieve anything"! Let's keep going