Eating clean, Week 1- help! The scales won't move!!

LukeAdrianBoardman Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 24 years old, 5'6, 239 lbs and previous to this week very inactive.

I've almost reached the end of my first week 'eating clean', watching my calorie intake and trying to stick to my 40:40:20 macro diet.

I've been averaging around 1400 calories daily, I have started working out twice a week with a personal trainer and even went for a 30 min jog mid week! May not sound like a lot but I'm very sore from finally moving my body.

I've stepped on the scale this morning (I try not too but seems the only motivation that spurs me along) and I 'm not seeing as much weight loss as I'd like to see, I've only lost 1lbs, and the scales keep fluctuating, (4+lbs at times!) which is very confusing for me.

I haven't had any food you would consider unhealthy or 'bad', chocolate is my biggest vice and not one piece has crossed my lips haha, I'm trying to stick to the idea that if I don't recognise the ingredient on the back, then my body won't either (I read that somewhere and it stuck, so even diet drinks have been a right off, purely water)

I'm not sure why I've posted this, if only to have a rant and to keep myself motivated. My first week of trying to make the right decisions and improve my diet can seem quiet daunting and lonely at times, because when it comes down to it, it's only you who truly care about the daily struggles of weight loss, other people just want to see results. I do have supportive people surrounding me though!

Would be good to hear if this is commonplace for some people?

Thanks :D


  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    Water retention,1400 is very little for a male, you could lose on 1800 easy.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    Different people will tell you different things...but honestly, weighing yourself too frequently can be a demotivator. Choose a day. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before you drink or eat anything. I have a calendar on my bathroom wall...I write my weight on my weigh-in day and that reminds me where I am and where I'm going...but doesn't make me crazy, because I know when I'll weigh in again.

    Sometimes you won't see weight chanes, but you'll see shape changes. I've lost a few pounds and didn't think I looked any lighter but I put on a T shirt a couple days ago that had been on the edge of doesn't-fit and it felt a lot more comfortable than the last time I wore it 3 weeks ago...

    Getting fit is more than losing pounds, it is shifting fat off and putting muscle on. And muscle weighs more than fat. The fact that your scale isn't moving might be telling you something totally different than what you're hearing☺.

    If you don't eat enough calories your body thinks it's starving and kills your metabolism...then you don't lose weight. You're the same height as me and a few pounds heavier than when I started with similar activity levels (I work a desk job and sometimes don't move for hours...vry bad!). My target calories started in the mid 1600's, so you probably have a few more to play with.

    As for the not eating things with names you don't some ways, this is a good idea. There are a crap load of nasty additives in many foods. If there is something you especially like...find out what the ingredients are and make an informed choice. I quit eating foods with carmine in them years ago...carmine is ground up bugs, used as a food color. Blech. But in the same vein, there are plenty of things I don't recognize that could be perfectly tasty and good for you. And I'm sure you know what high fructosr corn syrup is...but I wouldn't recommend products containing it. Be educated about your food!
  • kshatriyo
    kshatriyo Posts: 134 Member
    I think you might consider seeing a doctor. You should be losing weight with such a calorie deficit. You could have something hormonal or a metabolic disoder going on.
  • LukeAdrianBoardman
    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your ideas, I could use all the help I can get.

    I think I should've expanded when I said I'm trying to stay away from 'things I don't understand' - I mean making an educated decision staying away from nasty additives and preservatives. Aspartame, high fructose syrup etc.. I generally do some research before writing anything off! :)

    I'm trying to eat more whole foods, protein and complex carbs!

    Great advice guys appreciate it!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your ideas, I could use all the help I can get.

    I think I should've expanded when I said I'm trying to stay away from 'things I don't understand' - I mean making an educated decision staying away from nasty additives and preservatives. Aspartame, high fructose syrup etc.. I generally do some research before writing anything off! :)

    I'm trying to eat more whole foods, protein and complex carbs!

    Great advice guys appreciate it!

    Nothing wrong with any of those unless you have a medical condition. You need to change the way you look at food.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're sore, so you're retaining water...

    Be more patient
  • applesandtapeline
    applesandtapeline Posts: 58 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your ideas, I could use all the help I can get.

    I think I should've expanded when I said I'm trying to stay away from 'things I don't understand' - I mean making an educated decision staying away from nasty additives and preservatives. Aspartame, high fructose syrup etc.. I generally do some research before writing anything off! :)

    I'm trying to eat more whole foods, protein and complex carbs!

    Great advice guys appreciate it!

    You're on the right path! It is very smart of you to actually research what you're putting in your body. Aspartame is controversial artificial sweetener that you're better off to avoid if you feel like it.
    Do amp up the calories, since your're not eating enough, as others have stated as well.
    As for the weight not budging - numbers on the scale don't matter as much as actual inches (centimeters) lost.
    Keep up the good work and measure yourself once a week. :)
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    Stop worrying about the "what", and worry about how much you're eating.

    Give it more time.

    Great advice
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your ideas, I could use all the help I can get.

    I think I should've expanded when I said I'm trying to stay away from 'things I don't understand' - I mean making an educated decision staying away from nasty additives and preservatives. Aspartame, high fructose syrup etc.. I generally do some research before writing anything off! :)

    I'm trying to eat more whole foods, protein and complex carbs!

    Great advice guys appreciate it!

    I didn't eat foods containing aspartame, HFCS, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives when I gained weight. (And I'm still not eating them.) I'm all for eating whole foods and mostly avoiding Ultra Processed foods. However, this relates more to my food ethics than losing weight.

    What was more helpful to me was increasing protein in relationship to carbs, and eating more foods with fiber. This keeps me fuller longer and so makes it easier to stay in a calorie deficit.

    I was about 14 pounds lighter than you when I started in 2015, am the same height, 25 years older, and female. I ate 1500 calories before exercise, and I exercise. I eat over 2,000 calories many days and still lose weight.

    What is surely going on with you is that you are retaining water from the new exercise program. In fact, my scale went up 7 pounds when I started lifting weights ago last fall.

    What's your final goal weight?
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    First thing I'd do is dump the personal trainer. Save your money and spend it on quality food
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for your ideas, I could use all the help I can get.

    I think I should've expanded when I said I'm trying to stay away from 'things I don't understand' - I mean making an educated decision staying away from nasty additives and preservatives. Aspartame, high fructose syrup etc.. I generally do some research before writing anything off! :)

    I'm trying to eat more whole foods, protein and complex carbs!

    Great advice guys appreciate it!

    It is very smart of you to actually research what you're putting in your body. Aspartame is controversial artificial sweetener that you're better off to avoid if you feel like it.
    Aspartame is likely one of the most highly researched substances on the planet, and it has been scientifically proven to be safe. If everyone did 'actually research' what they're putting into their bodies, they would already be aware of this.

    The people who still view aspartame as controversial may be those who choose to believe what they read on Facebook or woo blogs on the internet that are a dime a dozen. In other words, they really *haven't* done their research.

    OP: If you choose not to include diet sodas, for example, that's totally fine. But lots of people find them to be an extremely effective and simple method to reduce caloric intake when compared to the non-diet versions of the same drink. :)

    Personally I avoid foods with aspartame because I don't like the taste. Which is the only reason I avoid any food really. Except oatmeal. I avoid that because the texture makes me gag.