Does counting your calories eventually work

Ok well I live with just me and my brother and we eat our own food we don't really like eating the same things and in the past I've tried buying healthy food to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner but since I'm the only one eating and sometimes I don't want to eat the same thing I have discovered I end up wasting allot of money on food and I kind of waste the food so it goes bad .. so I feel like I should count calories and watch my portions but eat more easy convient things .. I did this for while in beginning of summer but I lost no weight .. and I'm still watching what I eat now I still eat pretty bad and I don't excercise but if I keep counting my calories is it possible to eventually see results .. 4 days out of week I try to eat 1200 to 1300 calories and 3 days week I tend to eat but more around 1300 to 1500.. I really try to not eat 1500 calories but I eat less on the other 4 days so I think it balances out


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    It works based on your accuracy of counting calories. If you're accurate and truly eating at a deficit then of course you will lose weight. That's how weight loss works. There's no magic foods necessary - just a calorie deficit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It worked for me right away...accuracy in logging is an issue for many
  • 1Hameed
    1Hameed Posts: 23 Member
    I spent 6 months eating from Macdonald and lost around 13 kg because I was watching my calorie intake... it's not a good manner to lose weight but I was forced to eat like that
  • NancyYale
    NancyYale Posts: 171 Member
    I started out eating only packaged and processed food and lost weight. Over time I started to play with healthier options and continued to lose. 110 down so far. And I'm the only one in my family eating this way. The key is to eat things you like. Period. And be willing track it all. No magic involved.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    If you're willing to just eat according to your calorie plan regardless of how hungry you feel, you can eat whatever kind of food you like. It's doable, but tough. If you want to diminish that hungry feeling, you'll want to make sure you are getting lots of fibrous foods and adequate protein.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited October 2016
    Simply counting them won't do anything.
    Being sure your measurements are accurate +
    paying attention to how much you eat +
    knowing how much your body needs & eating under that amount
    will lead to weight loss.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    For 16 weeks I stuck to the calorie goal MFP gave me ... every single day.

    I lost 15 kg.

    So ... yes. It works.