Can I lose 20 pounds eating 1570 calories?

Ok just wondering I did the lowest amount of pounds to lose week I'm 5'3 and 163 pound 24 year old female gave me 1570 calories to eat day I also don't really excercise would I really lose with this amount of calories it seems pretty high I feel like I would gain weight intentionally trying to eat this amount .. I also don't really care about the time frame just if u think I would lose at this many calories a day


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Yes if that is what MFP told you. Trust the system.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    There is one way to find out, which is to follow MFP plan for a month (that long to account for cycling hormones which affect scale weight). This includes weighing solid food and measuring liquids, as the "eyeball" method is notoriously inaccurate. Once you have a month's worth of data, you will have the answer to your question. That calorie # takes into account the amount of movement you reported as usual for you, too. Finally, not all bodies are exactly the same so you may find you need to adjust calories. But you won't know until you keep the data.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Do it right. Weigh your food, log your food, hit your numbers, see how you're doing after a few weeks. And keep a positive attitude. Good luck to you!
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    Yep! I'm the same height and have lost almost 30 pounds so far eating 1,750 calories net. (But I started out much heavier than you and am also more active, so 1,570 may be more appropriate for you.)