Anyone Rowing

Just purchased a WaterRower While there are lots of rowing enthusiast web sites wondering if there are any MFP members focused on rowing as their primary exercise - stationary equipment or on the water.cvxmbolh8n29.jpg

Chris, CA


  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I row using a Concept2 rower. I think there are several rowers here as well.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Quite a few here, scattered around, though the forum rowing group here isn't very active. I row on the water when I can (usually about 4x a week in season), on my Concept 2 when I must (winter - sigh!). Have been rowing for almost 15 years - was coaching certified at one point, but let it lapse.
  • 429jules
    429jules Posts: 16 Member
    I row on the water as well, with a masters team. And on a Concept 2 during the winter.
  • rhauser44
    rhauser44 Posts: 43 Member
    Nice rower OP. I mix rowing in as part of my cardio. I would like to try it on the water some day.