Starting over....Again!



  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    Well Easter certainly did me in. Gained 4 pounds. Ugh
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member
    Easter was hard on me as well. I didn't think I was too bad, but my scale tells me other words. I really need to just get back on track and work hard.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Hey! I'm right there with you! I had lost around 52 pounds and had gained and lost again a couple times over the last few years.
    I'm currently about about 15-20 lbs up from my lowest (can't recall lowest).
    I was losing weight steadily for about 3 months due to gallstones and not being able to eat much and I lost about 8 lbs a month, so, close to 25 pounds or so. I was able to get surgery to remove my gallbladder and I'm feeling 100% better a month and a half post surgery, so I've gained about 5+ pounds since surgery, therefore it's time to get in gear again. I've had my fun and ate it too, these pants I'm wearing don't fit so well, now I'm blue... heh.. accidental rhyme there but it's true!

    I couldn't have so many foods or even eat too much for 3+ months and while it was nice to lose weight without effort, being sick was no fun at all, it was horrible! After surgery I can eat anything with no issues at all so I'm having a hard time with "restricting" or cutting back voluntarily again when I was forced to be so heavily restricted before. I'm saying, it's hard to cut out all of the "treats" again.. and I need to start counting my calories again.

    That being said, I'm also going vegan, plant based (which yes, means cutting out a lot but it's for a different reason), I'm about 75% or more there.. anyone can add me, I need accountability and some support. I've got about 70-100 more pounds to lose but mostly want to lose about 75 to start and go from there; how I feel, size of my clothes and how I look will determine that as pounds are not most important to me but rather fat loss, health, and fitness. I also need to get back to workouts regularly.. and not let myself gain back so much again..
    I've been trying to stay on top of logging in and tracking my fitness. I was down 15lbs lighter than I am now, and have gained it all back. If anyone is in the same boat, feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. Even yummy, healthy recipes and exercise tips would be a huge help!

  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    I am so disappointed and frustrated with myself. I have now gained back over 30 pounds of the 75 I worked so hard to lose. Every day I get up and say today I am going to do better. Then after dinner comes and I completely fall off the wagon. I just can't seem to get the motivation back yet I'm so upset by the weight I've gained.
  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Melodiebouse, I know the feeling . I've managed to loose weight several times but have put it back on . Apparently, from a health point of view, it is better to keep trying than to give up - in spite of the yoyo effect. I've decided to try and loose more slowly as I feel that may be easier to stick to and maintain long term . Keep trying and good luck !
  • vulcan06
    vulcan06 Posts: 11 Member
    This is for me!!! I had lost 60 pounds and have gained back 55- I can't find the motivation I need to do it again- I have to, my knees hurt, my back spasms, my feet are killing me- I know that for my body to hurt less I have to lose the weight and more!! I needed to lose a whole person when I started, now again, I have a whole person to lose- very frustrating- the "friends" on my list are not very supportive and so I feel just as isolated here as I do in the real world:( Feel free to add me-
  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    I have started over so many times I've lost count. I'm happy I haven't gained back all the weight I lost but it just keeps creeping up. My clothes don't fit and I've had to spend money buying more. When I lost 75 pounds I swore I would never be that heavy again so I got rid of all my larger sizes. I don't want to invest a lot into more clothes since I have a closet full of smaller sizes. I did lose weight slowly the first time. It took about a year and a half. My goal was only to lose 1 pound a week. I figured that was doable. It still is. So here I am, starting over again. Goal: 1 pound by next Sunday!
  • rambunction
    rambunction Posts: 22 Member
    I was down to only needing to lose 15 lbs to get to my goal and jumped back up above my starting weight... now I have 40 pounds to lose.
  • shonat11
    shonat11 Posts: 170 Member
    I've done the same - ditched the big clothes only to have to buy more later.