Does anyone else work from home?



  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Snacking is fine- I always have a snack around 3pm. You just need to make sure it fits into your calories for the day.

    And yes I work from home. I find just sticking to a certain eating schedule makes it easier and learn what meals, snacks, and foods work to hit my calories and macro goals.

    I do:
    Small breakfast
    Small to medium morning snack
    Afternoon snack or protein shake
    Second afternoon snack if I want it
    Sweet treat after dinner

    I usually still come in at or under my calorie goal. All my meals are pretty small portions and most include protein.

    Why are you afraid to have a snack in the afternoon? There's a long gap between lunch and dinner, most people have a snack then.

    I snack! I can usually stay right on track with eating until about 3pm when my energy is crashing - and then I find myself ravenously searching for carbs.

    Oh ok it sounded like you were trying to make it between meals without a snack... maybe try a protein bar around that time? One that actually tastes good like a clif builders bar - tastes like a sweet naughty treat but is full of protein. Or for something less processed but that satisfies the carb craving how about some apple slices or banana with peanut butter? Or maybe some carrots- they taste sweet and have a lot of fiber but few calories.

    It could also be that your calories are set too low, or you aren't eating enough protein.
    What's your height/weight/calories? How many grams of protein do you consume a day? Do you have protein in your lunch?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I work from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days a week. My eating habits are the same whether I'm at home or in the office. But I have worked out an eating schedule that doesn't leave me hungry except right before meals.
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    Only on a need to basis. Typically i find i eat less when i work from home but drink more coffee. # deficit
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    I work from home 3/5 days -- I actually find it easier at home because I don't keep junk in the house. If I get the urge to snack I clean something instead! LOL -- I always start the day with water -- I have a goal to drink 32 oz before I eat anything -- then if/when I get hungry I have a protein drink -- that'll hold me over until 2-3pm so I eat light lunch to save for dinner.
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    I work from home 4 days a week. The best thing I ever did was to move my computer to counter height. I am standing all day from 10 - 5 pm.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I work from home (marketing) and find it much easier to stick to my eating plan. I use the hours before and after work that I would have to commute to go out walking or to workout - and I walk to Subway for lunch most days. I find it harder when I go to the office because then I have to plan and stuff. Thankfully, that's not often.