I've Reached Failure Status.



  • jennfit40
    jennfit40 Posts: 3
    If the bingeing is more emotional than hunger then I highly recommend reading and utilizing The Beck Diet Solution. It is a book detailing cognitive behavior therapy...which means it helps you learn how to think about how/why/what/when you eat and make slow changes. It made a dramatic difference in my emotional reaction to and about food. I have struggled my entire life with my weight, I am incredibly well-informed about diet and nutrition and exercise but this book opened my eyes to the emotional pitfalls I had created for myself around food. The methods may seem a little silly but the approach works.
  • die2fat4love
    die2fat4love Posts: 149 Member
    Every path has its ups and downs. I have been on my path for years! Find your motivation and remind yourself everyday why you are doing this! If you fell off the wagon then pick yourself up and start over. I failed many times and would wallow in my own self loathing until I remember why I wanted to lose. Find your passion and know that you have a ton of support here!
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    Unless losing half a kilo (or 1 pound) every one-two weeks is too fast, I'm just kinda done.

    You have to want to do it. You can do it, everyone can do it. But your desire to succeed needs to be stronger than your desire to binge.
  • farmer50340
    farmer50340 Posts: 28 Member
    From June of last year to Thanksgiving of last year, I lost 50 pounds. By May of this year, I had gained 20 of it back, and chalked it up to "It's just a pound, I'll fix it next week." I realized that I worked hard to get to where I had been, and there was no sense in ruining it. It was like starting all over again, but I did it and am back on track. It may feel like starting all over is too much, but if it's something you want, you've got to do it.
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
    You can give up, but here is the problem with that... if you quit trying completely in a year's time or 2,3,4,5 year's time you will be THAT much older and THAT much over weight and let me just say from experience, the bigger you are the harder it is. To the point it can be very difficult to turn around from it. It's not a rat race. If you could lose 5 pounds a year without losing your mind and spirit it would be worth it than to try losing 50 by damaging yourself emotionally.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    every time i feel like having a binge or mindless snack i enter the time into a note i have running on my iphone and what i was feeling at the time/why i felt like i had to snack. i've learned a lot about myself this way. for instance this week i have wanted to binge/snack for the following reasons:

    -my boss dumped a huge project on my desk
    -i successfully completed a portion of the project
    -there was a phone call i was dreading making
    -i was bored

    i learned i rewarded myself for good job done with food and also used food as a comfort for myself being stressed out/anxious. now that i can recognize those feelings i've done better controlling them
  • MaritaD
    MaritaD Posts: 178 Member
    Open up your diary. I'm going to wager a guess that you've set your numbers too low for what you're eating and you end up binging because of it. The binging sends you into a depression and you eat emotionally, which sends you into a sad food spiral.

    The answer would be to open up your diary and let people help you out by providing suggestions on how to improve your intake in a way that won't cause you to binge.

    Oh, and hit the gym. Diet is only half the equation.

    This could very very well be the reason too! I set mine at 1200 and was struggling. I realized an extra 100-150 calories a day (as long as I'm exercising) I'd still see results but I wouldn't be starving constantly! Snack a lot so you don't get to the point of wanting to binge! You can do it!! Find what works for you! You won't be happy binge eating all the time either.
  • terrieleeb
    terrieleeb Posts: 13
    Forgive yourself and keep moving. The only one that loses is the one that never tried. Remember why you want to do this in the first place. My personal reasons are: I want to be able to hike and bike and love life into old age. The more I move now the more I will be able to keep moving in the future. I am slowly learning to love myself and shut the ego up. You have to be willing to see what emotional issues keep tracking you down and don't smother them listen, pay attention. When you binge you are smothering the reason you feel the need to eat. We are all in the same boat here! Each day someone needs a lifeline. Thank you for having the courage to post!
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with everyone stating that this isn't something that you can start and then finish - it is for life. Your profile states that you've been trying to lose since 14 and are now 18 with some rough spots during this four-year span. There's nothing wrong with setbacks and most people have them.

    A large part of this is mental. You should really try and figure out what is driving your problem with food (bingeing). Is it emotional? (mine often is). Are you constantly hungry? Take a look at WHAT you're eating.

    You state that you have a dietician... do you go to therapy? Do you have people supporting you? Are you surrounded by people who eat whatever they want? Do they belittle your quest to lose weight and be more healthy?

    If you can't do it on your own ask for help. Try and surround yourself with people who are supportive of what you are trying to do and/or who are on the same journey/want the same things.

    When you find yourself looking for a binge... get out of the house... go somewhere away from temptations.

    I've requested to add you as my friend on here and hope others have too - most on this site are on the same journey and have many of the same troubles. You are not alone. Keep going!
  • CharleneG_Barnes
    CharleneG_Barnes Posts: 25 Member
    So many positive and helpful words........I have found that the biggest part of the journey is a mental awareness of deciding what you want then setting mini goals to get you where you want to be.....that way its been easier for me than I expected (most of the time) but of course there area easier and harder days or sometimes weeks.
    If you are ready to commit to yourself, set the smaller goals, and then keep trying till you acheive what you want.
    Its not always easy but you will be able to do it. We believe you can---now you just have to believe you can.
    Good luck
  • briannaaclark1
    I've been feeling the same way lately, and I think it's because I was only eating like 1000/1100 calories a day. [I haven't had time to work out unfortunately which is why I lowered my caloric intake so much]
    I've started to up to to 1300/1400 and I'm thinking it will help reduce my binge eating. And then I hope to gradually lower it back to 1200 with practice.

    It's a difficult journey, but that's what makes it so worthwhile.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    Dont give up! You have to get your head back in the game. That's where it all starts. A quote I once read and live by now is

    "A set back could mean a lot of times, you fell off the wagon, you cheated, you gained back some weight, FAILURE is when you decide you're health isn't worth it"

    You're health should always be worth it. So keep your head up and get back on that wagon girl!!!
  • maracuya23
    maracuya23 Posts: 122
    The Gift of Imperfection, by Brene Brown

    There is no perfect way to lose weight, no perfect speed, no perfect balance of macros, etc. Sure, aim to eat well, exercise more, and generally be healthy. Feeling like a failure for not being absolutely "perfect" at it is totally unfair to yourself, and doesn't allow you to enjoy the successes you achieve each day.

    ETA: Every day you log is a success, every time you choose to eat a piece of fruit or veg is a success, every time you do a bit of exercise ( no matter how short) is a success, every day you're eating at maintenance calories is a big success. Try looking for everything you're doing right, instead of everything you think you're doing "wrong". :flowerforyou:
  • 04sprj0
    04sprj0 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't give in!
  • 04sprj0
    04sprj0 Posts: 11 Member
    Open up your diary. I'm going to wager a guess that you've set your numbers too low for what you're eating and you end up binging because of it. The binging sends you into a depression and you eat emotionally, which sends you into a sad food spiral.

    The answer would be to open up your diary and let people help you out by providing suggestions on how to improve your intake in a way that won't cause you to binge.

    Oh, and hit the gym. Diet is only half the equation.

    I'm going to be a little pedantic. (I apologise already) but it is 80% diet and 20% exercise. :)
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Open up your diary. I'm going to wager a guess that you've set your numbers too low for what you're eating and you end up binging because of it. The binging sends you into a depression and you eat emotionally, which sends you into a sad food spiral.

    The answer would be to open up your diary and let people help you out by providing suggestions on how to improve your intake in a way that won't cause you to binge.

    Oh, and hit the gym. Diet is only half the equation.

    I'm going to be a little pedantic. (I apologise already) but it is 80% diet and 20% exercise. :)

    I'm going to be more pedantic and say it's 100% diet considering
    You can lose weight with diet alone yet it's impossible to exercise and
    Eat at excess and expect to lose, weight.
  • kgideon305
    kgideon305 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm having some of the same issues because I'm older. Things don't metabolize like they use to, but in the long haul, slow weight loss is more likely kept off. I would rethink your eating plan. Are you eating enough not to go into starvation mode and are you exercising(I know it's a dirty word to some, sorry ;0)? Remember, sugars are a diet buster and they hide everywhere in our food supplies. Keep trying. I'm playing with individual components weekly like carbs, fats, sugars, calories. I've lost an average of 1.2 lbs over the last five weeks AND I've been swimming laps for an average of 45 minutes 5X weekly. It is slow going, but I also know that my body is thanking me for slow changes. Keep working at it...tomorrow's another day!
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    You can do it, you just haven't figured out what is going to work for you yet! When you do, you'll hit your groove and the feel goods will take over. I have been at a standstill for about a month now. I am seriously overbusy and haven't had time to add in the exercise I know I need to. I posted on here and I'm getting great feedback. I agree with those who say we have to have the want to... we have to make the time, make the effort to change our eating, make the right choices in food we purchase, how we prepare and eat it. You have not failed or you would not post on here, you would just fade away... hopefully you will take away some great motivation from some of the super people on this site and make another try. Every body is different, Every single body. We all have to find what is going to work for us. I post my open diary and chart honestly so that when I have a hog day - everyone knows it. My hubby is also on my friends list and we keep eachother accountable too, even though we can still make whatever choices we want to.

    I used to lose and maintain without trying - I woke up one morning and realized I have to really struggle to tie my shoes, and my whole body is really huge - but nobody did it to me, I did this to myself... and nobody can make it go away but me... and I can't do it overnight since it didn't happen overnight. That's my downfall. I want results in a week and honey - it ain't happenin! But I won't go home and eat a pint of ice cream about it. I'm gonna go home, feed my kids, do my animal chores, do my house work, study, and somewhere in there I'm going to find 15 minutes for me - to walk, run, skip, dance, play with my umbrella, whatever it takes to get myself back on the road again... Hope you'll join me! (Now I gotta get back to work...)