A new beginning

Today is October 17, 20016. I am attempting to start a new healthier daily regimin that will include HEALTHY EATING; MODERATE EXERCISE; BETTER PERSONAL HYGINE and HOUSEHOLD CLEANLINESS. I know this will be a challenge for me, but I am determined to lose up 58 lbs by mid March 2017. I will be keeping a close watch on my BP, Heart rate, weight and aist size during the process. Good luck to me. I will keep a log on this web site.


  • kboard25
    kboard25 Posts: 12 Member
    All great goals! Good luck. I'm just starting today as well.
  • DjPorkchop73
    DjPorkchop73 Posts: 16 Member
    Healthy eating is the key words here. I am a very big boy and in January this year I was 397 lbs and as of 4 days ago, I was 366. Problem is my eating was not healthy. My body started eating its own muscle mass and causing all kinds of issues. My sugars are out of control and Lucky me gets to start insulin tomorrow. I'll leave th rest of the story be for now.

    Just take care and remember that eating healthy part. I hate to see anyone end up in the same boat as me.
  • gaenor86
    gaenor86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hope you don't mind me joining?
    I have also only just started a few days ago. My Son started nursery and because I don't have a car, I am forced to do exercise to walk him there! Haha. So there's no backing out.
    I do 30 mins taking him there and me walking back then the same when I pick him back up. So I think 60 mins of fairly brisk walking isn't too bad to start off.
    I am on the 1200 cals diet and after working out my BMR etc, I should be able to burn the 7000 cals a week to loose 2lbs. Here's hoping
  • virginiashannon
    virginiashannon Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Those are awesome goals :) If you need a friend for encouragement, please don't hesitate to add me. Just from my experience It will be critical to detox your body, and you will slowly stop craving those bad foods. I supplement my daily intake with a nutrition drink and detox now every 2 weeks and now I love vegetables and the bad food actually tastes horrible and I no longer crave it. Exercise can be as simple as brisk walking, I try to do an hour every other day. I only do these three things and I have had a consistent loss for the last 6 months by following this regimen.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I didn't decide all of those at once but eventually I adopted the weight loss via calorie deficit, healthy diet and exercise. It worked too. Go for it!
  • MariaManeval4084
    MariaManeval4084 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi don't mind if you guys add me I haveso.e big goals as well I want to lose 40lbs plus take on 2 jobs and a volunteer job. I would also like to start a volunteer job. I would love to play my guitar and practice piano more often and for that I to my schedule I love supporting people and motivating people. I'm a positive quote kind of girl I love quotes and i could use support since I won't be able to get out much but I promise to stay In touch and keep you guys up to date on how I'm doing thanks I think this a great group I love findi g people with similar goals and thinking support all the way!