Exercises for lazy people?

(I searched the forums and found similar posts but not with the results I wanted so I do apologize if there's another thread like this one.)

A family member of mine who has been extremely unhealthy his entire life is wanting to exercise after seeing my improvement. I'm thrilled but it's very frustrating because of how picky he is. He hates running and is unable to ride a bicycle; there's no sport leagues in our area and whenever I come up with an alternative activity or invite him with me on my own workouts, he shoots it down saying it's boring or he doesn't like it.

Is there any inexpensive activities for him to get into? Every suggestion will be greatly appreciated!


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Personally, I like running and lifting weights because I am lazy. I want whatever I'm doing to be over with as soon as possible, so I can go back to being a sloth. :drinker:

    But if he poo-poos every idea and never comes up with any ideas of his own, he doesn't want to exercise. He just wants to say he wants to.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    What about exercise that doesn't really feel like exercise. Swimming, bowling, etc?

    And/or exercise that becomes habit. For example, if there's a store within 1-3 miles away and your family member could start walking there daily or a few times per week and just buying a newspaper, cup of coffee, etc.

    I am a person who doesn't really like organized exercise, for example I'd never want to be on a sports team and if I joined a gym I would probably make a million excuses not to go. I do a ride a bike regularly, but I also just walk to nearby places every day if weather permits. It becomes habit and is excellent exercise, especially when compared with sitting on a sofa ;-)
  • ThePrimalSpartan
    ThePrimalSpartan Posts: 59 Member
    Body weight workouts! Pushups, planks, side planks, squats, and burpees. All as fast as you can for as long as you can, for 2 sets. Then you're done! For me, it usually takes about 20-25 minutes, and you're constantly doing something different so there's little chance he'll get bored. Do this 2-3 times a week, along with lots of walking. 3-5 hours per week total. Should definitely see lots of improvement with a healthy diet.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    What about exercise that doesn't really feel like exercise. Swimming, bowling, etc?

    And/or exercise that becomes habit. For example, if there's a store within 1-3 miles away and your family member could start walking there daily or a few times per week and just buying a newspaper, cup of coffee, etc.

    I like this idea, need to try it on some of my relatives!
  • afreelandgti
    Exercises for lazy people = oxymoron. I know because I used to be lazy
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    You may be looking for more, but people really underestimate the power of walking, even slow walking over time with produce results. I know for me I hated to exercise, would never have stepped foot in a gym, but just started out with some slow walks in a local park and once it gets easier you can up the pace and distance.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Exercises for lazy people = oxymoron. I know because I used to be lazy
    Good point!
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I think it's all about him finding something active that he likes to do...most likely something that doesn't seem like exercise. He has to truely enjoy what he's doing. Maybe nature walks, ballroom dancing, bowling, flying a kite, swimming, roller skating, kickball, gardening, trampoline...anything to get him moving. He's going to have to think outside the box. How great of you to help him out!!
  • amy_louise_hart
    amy_louise_hart Posts: 4 Member
    I have just started walking to work instead of driving...maybe he could try that? My ten minute car journey has turned into a 30 or 40 minute walk (depending on how fit I am feeling!) and I feel so much better for doing it, and it doesn't really feel like exercise. The only issue is getting up earlier! When I occasionally have to drive in I can really tell the difference - I feel much more tired and lethargic throughout the day. It is something easy to do and it does make a difference!
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    How about Xbox kinect games? I find them pretty fun and you don't even realize you are getting a bit of a workout when you play the games.
  • iamkass
    iamkass Posts: 122 Member
    Boxing is great too. You can get good cardio without using your lower body too much and it gets a lot of frustration out. Maybe purchase a speed bag or a heavy bag. They aren't super cheap, but it's a one time purchase (until you love it so much that it wears out and you need a new one!)
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Maybe he is intimidated...try to encourage him as much as possible.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    You may be looking for more, but people really underestimate the power of walking, even slow walking over time with produce results. I know for me I hated to exercise, would never have stepped foot in a gym, but just started out with some slow walks in a local park and once it gets easier you can up the pace and distance.
    Holy moly, and you've lost quite a bit of weight!! Nice work!!
  • lovenaire
    lovenaire Posts: 10
    Walk. It is amazing what just walking will do. Have them walk a dog through the neighborhood or something.

    Dance. Turn on the music, and dance like a fool till you fall on the floor laughing.

    Just turn off the TV. TV = couch = lazy.... its inevitable.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    But if he poo-poos every idea and never comes up with any ideas of his own, he doesn't want to exercise. He just wants to say he wants to.

    ^^^ This
  • MargaretSans
    MargaretSans Posts: 54 Member
    what about a video game system? Wii fit or something like that might help kick start a work out routine. I like to do wii fit yoga in the morning or do the obstacle courses when I need a little extra cardio.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sounds like he doesn't want to exercise. When he really wants to start exercising, he will bite the bullet and stop making up excuses. That's really all there is to it.
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    How about Xbox kinect games? I find them pretty fun and you don't even realize you are getting a bit of a workout when you play the games.
    We've tried that! We have Kinect Adventures and Sports. On the days when I count that as my light calisthenics, he'll play them for a few minutes -- if I'm lucky -- and then quickly change it to a sedentary game when I leave the room. We bought the Xbox so he'd be more active! Kinda' ironic, huh?
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Personally, I like running and lifting weights because I am lazy. I want whatever I'm doing to be over with as soon as possible, so I can go back to being a sloth. :drinker:

    But if he poo-poos every idea and never comes up with any ideas of his own, he doesn't want to exercise. He just wants to say he wants to.

    Pretty much this..
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Yep - I HATE to exercise... I agree with video games. I started out doing a dancing game on the wii, then moved to swimming because I have a pool in my backyard - it burns TONS of calories even "leisurely" swimming. Now my husband & I go on hikes in the hills & mountains near our house. It's way more fun & interesting with another person. I plan to join a gym in the fall because I want to swim laps. Good luck, but he may not try anything until he's ready.