My Nemesis....boredom



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »

    Maintaining weight I think might be real goals to hit unless you purposefully make one like run a 5k etc.

    Yeah I absolutely suck at maintaining because of this, since boredom is my nemesis and maintenance has no clear goal or endpoint I quickly get bored with it. Just hoping that if I up my calories to maintenance I might entertain myself with making progress on strength goals.

    you are lucky. I have no interest in lifting too heavy or breaking records or bulking...

    I just want to be some chinups do some pull ups etc...

    I already did the 5k not interested in 10ks...

    *sighs* book marked this so I can see what others do as well...other than my hobbies like gardening I am at a loss too.

    More gardening then! I'm moving and was busy all weekend moving plants and making a new bed for shade plants. I'm exhausted and my back hurts.

    I'm in Massachusetts and while there is certainly less to do this time of year, there's still raking leaves to mulch garden, dividing those types of perennials that like to have this be done in the fall, giving away plants that spread too much on freecycle, collect morning glory seeds, prep beds for the spring, etc.

    Yes I am planning on planting some more flowers...aka tulips and getting my garlic in.
    If I can find time on a weekend I will get that done...I have been doing the canning and jams etc from the garden and now that it's finally done I might have time to get some stuff moved aka raspberries etc...

    I might try Yoga...and convict conditioning...and I found an app for the treadmill...

    we will see what winter brings...maybe some snow shoeing...skiing...sledding etc...
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    I don't find entertainment in weight loss. To me that is in the same category as paying the bills and doing laundry. If I want to have heat, lights, water and a car I pay my bills. If I want clean clothes I do laundry. They aren't fun but I still do them. They are just part of life. If I want to be not fat, I have to pay attention to CICO.

    I do find entertainment in my life which I happen to have created around a lot of physical activity.
    A job that has me walking 14k steps or more a day
    A hobby of riding horses, going for walks and hikes, visiting zoos parks and museums in my area.

    And a dojo membership where I am a serious student in the martial art, Aikido. I go to every class and train as hard as I am able on the day.

    My life burns a lot of calories. But the only way to get my weight down is to sit down on MFP every day and balance my caloric bank account.

    All good points, thank you. Perhaps it is rather foolish of me to want or expect enertainment from something like health or fitness. I like the balancing your checkbook analogy, unfortunately for me I'm a dork who gets entertainment from spreadsheets so the analogy kind of falls on its face there :-)
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    I don't find entertainment in weight loss. To me that is in the same category as paying the bills and doing laundry. If I want to have heat, lights, water and a car I pay my bills. If I want clean clothes I do laundry. They aren't fun but I still do them. They are just part of life. If I want to be not fat, I have to pay attention to CICO.

    I do find entertainment in my life which I happen to have created around a lot of physical activity.
    A job that has me walking 14k steps or more a day
    A hobby of riding horses, going for walks and hikes, visiting zoos parks and museums in my area.

    And a dojo membership where I am a serious student in the martial art, Aikido. I go to every class and train as hard as I am able on the day.

    My life burns a lot of calories. But the only way to get my weight down is to sit down on MFP every day and balance my caloric bank account.

    All good points, thank you. Perhaps it is rather foolish of me to want or expect enertainment from something like health or fitness. I like the balancing your checkbook analogy, unfortunately for me I'm a dork who gets entertainment from spreadsheets so the analogy kind of falls on its face there :-)

    Make a spreadsheet for your workouts and PR's :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    When my daughter was little she looked at me and said.. "you always go through phases..." I was offended at first..and now I laugh at how right she was/is. I too get bored..always need something new to motivate me.

    At least you realize you have this problem with boredom. make a plan.. shake things up.. I have a plane fitness gym pass... a path around a lake I can walk.. weights at home.. different plans to do different things because i get bored with a routine. I do it with my food too. Eat the same things for two three weeks.. then totally change it because i get bored. (skinny

    Don't let getting "bored" be an excuse to be unfit and overweight. That is what you need to be ultimately bored with. You can do it. shake it up girl! :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    You might benefit from short-term "project" fitness stuff, like a 12-week running program or even a video thing like 30 Day Shred or a strength program with a defined duration.

    I have a similar problem in that I have trouble just plugging away at the same thing all the time, but if I give myself something that has a specific timeline and end date I do a lot better. I mainly run so whenever I catch myself getting kind of lazy about it, I put myself on a program for a few weeks so I feel like I have some purpose. I also find it a lot easier to commit to, say, a month of listening to Jillian Michaels' pep talks than to just go muck around at the gym five days a week forever. Having a short-term goal is tremendously beneficial to me for some reason - maybe I'm like the kids in that famous marshmallow study and I can't rely on my abstract thinking to understand the value of a future payoff in exchange for some impulse control now? No executive thinking over here I guess :lol: