12 Weeks of Small Changes for Big Gains



  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've been tracking every day just to see what I'm eating Yikes!! Very informative but painful. No wonder I put on weight!

    This week I'm continuing to track plus drink a glass of water before I eat any snack or meal - for the water and to fill up and to give myself a minute to think about what I'm eating.
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    This week has been a bit challenging. I've got to get this Halloween candy out of my house....

    I'm really fighting temptation today. :#

    Here's to staying focused!
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    You can do this Diva!
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @TheFabulousDiva throw it or give it all away! I'd have eaten it all already if I had any in my house!
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    I managed to stay away from the candy!!! Woohoo!!! I really want to be that mom who's kids can have little things around the house from time to time without them worrying that mommy will demolish it in the middle of the night. So far...I've done pretty good this week.

    I put in 2 hours at the gym on Tuesday because I ate 10 of their Snickers minis (sounds so piggy when I type it out), and I keep reminding myself of how fun that was not. :wink:

    How's everyone doing with their challenges this week? This week is almost over!! Time to start thinking about week 4!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I fond that logging my food isn't too hard. Finding time to exercise away from the kids is. I took them swimming and for a bike ride so not too bad.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    10 snickers is easily done...and more if we werent logging I'm sure! Well done for the 2hour workout and well done @tamera_g for logging. Once you've made it a habit it's easy to stick to. I took my measurements and will keep that up on the 1st of each month. Hmmm thinking of my next change now...
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Getting lots of fluids but not water....
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Ugh... fell off the Calorie counting wagon. Ate too many cookies yesterday and haven't started back. I did exercise yesterday. It seems that I haven't been able to
  • Moodrinqs
    Moodrinqs Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! My goal for this week is to drink 8 glasses of water every day. I always manage to drink 4-6, but never 8 unless I exercise that day.
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    Tamera, I'm with you. I had dropped my calories because I wasn't losing the weight I wanted to. I was advised not to, and to just be patient. I should've have listened. My goal this week is to stay within my recommended calorie range, and not to tamper with the calories until I start hitting milestones.
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    Anne, hang in there. Just work to drink an extra glass more than you did the day before.
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    Ok...spent the last week sick and just trying to keep logging in, so I've dropped the ball. This is usually the point in the journey where it's hard to stay motivated. Logging in becomes a hassle or is just plain forgotten. I also start to focus on the weight that everyone else seems to be losing so effortlessly, while I still can't seem to get beyond my 1lb lost. So here's to breaking the cycle!

    My goal for this week and next (since this week is pretty much gone) is to eat within my calories. I've been letting my workouts give me an excuse to eat more instead of just working with what I've got. This makes it that much harder to eat within my calories on the days when I don't work out.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    @TheFabulousDiva sorry you've been sick. Hope you're much better. And yay thanks for posting and therefore bumping this in my feed cos this challenge is such a good idea so I want to stick with it. I think my next habit is going to be upping my water intake. Good luck with sticking within your calories!
  • TheFabulousDiva
    TheFabulousDiva Posts: 37 Member
    Day 2 and so far so good. I think tomorrow I'll be well enough to hit the gym. YAY!!!
  • reidsaj
    reidsaj Posts: 1 Member
    It's late, but I just came across this group and it sounds like something that would really help me. This week, my goal is to stay away from desserts - cakes, pies, cookies. It will be hard with the holidays, but if I can do it this week I should be able to do it for additional weeks. Thanks for starting this!