I Need Motivated Friends!

I have always kept to myself and have failed to lose weight. I am hoping if I have some motivated friends I will be able to get out of my shell and keep motivated.


  • shhhilo
    shhhilo Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Steph its bot always easy but hang in there stay focused I myslef weight 415 and a year later im down to 372 I got as far as 355 but side tracked and now im back in my first week starting again. I actually started yesterday and Im focused Ive made it easier upon myself to set a schedule and follow it. But you have to believe in yourself and not let others unmotivate you by the things they eat or say.
  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    I do need to believe in myself. I have let other people destroy my motivation and hard work. Its been too easy to turn to food when I get down. I need to work on a schedual. I do so much better on one.
  • shhhilo
    shhhilo Posts: 42 Member
    Thats what I did I eat something every 2-3 hrs i usually start at 8am and end at 7pm but I also precooked meals so I dont have an excuse to buy something or feel lazy to make something