Hi Everyone

Hi guys

I'm Elle, I've been on here before with a different username :) I lost 4 and a half stone last year to get into shape for a bodybuilding competition, well I've been extremely unwell since then with a flare up of Crohns disease, I haven't been able to move most days due to crippling joint pain and arthritis so that's totally messed up my lifestyle! Anyhow, due to months and months on steroids I am now pretty chunky so I am back to get myself back into shape, I am aiming for what I was on stage as quite frankly I wasn't lean enough on stage.

I am a business owner and life coach and I specialise in weight management so in terms of motivation I am cool, I just get pretty down some days as I can't do a lot, for example today as I type this I have both my legs elevated and I'm sitting rather awkwardly sideways trying to write!!

Anyhow, that's me, any questions just ask away :)