Strange question for those who exercise... how often do you wash your hair?



  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    It's not a weird question. It gets asked here about every other week. Heh.

    I wash with full-on lathering shampoo and conditioner maybe once or twice a week. But on all other days, I use one of those cleansing conditioners.

    The process is pretty much unrelated to how often I work out, though. I rarely wash immediately after a workout, because I work out at a gym near my office at lunchtime, and there's no time for washing and blow-drying before I go back to the office. I blow-dry out the sweat, use a dry shampoo if I need it, and that's it.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I have fine, curly hair and I go once every 3-4 days of actual shampooing the scalp. Just rinse off thoroughly and apply conditioner to the ends on non shampoo days. I try to stretch out washes for as long as possible so 3rd days are usually a ponytail day! I'd rather put up with pony tail day and have glorious hair for when I do style it for special occasions.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I use dry shampoo after my workouts.
  • bblue656
    bblue656 Posts: 159 Member
    I wash my hair every other day. But shower everyday. Its not healthy to wash your hair everyday. you strip your natural oils out of it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm a "no poo" user- and I typically wash every other day (after every workout)- Sometimes if I didn't sweat (say after dance where we are doing more detail work that isn't strenuous- I'll skip a shower entirely for the day or just rinse.
  • neithomp
    neithomp Posts: 19 Member
    Whenever I feel like it. I don't sweat very much, and I don't have a job where I am physical. So, sometimes I will just put my hair up and wash my body but not my hair. I probably wash my hair twice a week-ish.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Everyday or every other day.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I've always washed my hair every day. I have very fine hair and oily skin/scalp, and I sweat a lot. I usually run first thing in the morning and then shower afterwards.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Try shampooing it twice, I wash my hair every third day since I started shampooing twice. Before I was every other day but when you shampoo twice it actually really does make a difference!
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    I live in vegas where it gets to 120 and u feel like your skin is baking going to the check the mail requires a shower lol
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I have fine, dry, wavy, very thick hair. And I sweat a TON when I work out.
    If I wash my hair more often than every 3 days or so, it gets overly brittle and frizzy.
    When I come home from the gym, I leave my hair up in a bun. I shower off, wash my face (which winds up getting just a little bit of the hairline on my forehead wet as well), and just let the sweat dry. I comb my hair out a couple hours later and it looks great. If it ever looks/feels a little oily, I use a small amount of dry shampoo. You don't want to overdo that either - I never use it twice in a row without a shampoo.

    I also use a boar-bristle brush that helps distribute the oils. It's made a difference compared to my old nylon brush.
  • octopusplum
    octopusplum Posts: 46 Member
    Why hello there OP! I am a sweat queen. I sweat when I'm cold, I sweat when it's comfortable temperature, I sweat when it's hot. It's just imagine the gym!

    Top this off that my hair is down to the bottom of my bottom. Hair washing is a pain. Since I've been this way my whole life and been advised by doctors that essentially life sucks,deal with it...I've got a few tips.

    Don't always deep condition, condition when you need it. Leave in gentle products like Briogeo are super helpful and keep down grease.

    Rinse your hair, you don't always need shampoo. Use warm water and massage your scalp, air dry.

    If you get really bad build up or use lots of products, strip your hair once a week or as needed. These shampoos can usually be found at beauty supply stores and leave your hair squeaky clean, they're usually used before a perm or color treatment. They are designed to remove buildup of product and gunk on the hair. Side effect: they help you need less conditioner and they can help with an oily scalp caused by genetics, excessive washing, etc cetera.

    Keep your hair up at the gym or while exercising if it's longer, this doesn't directly cut sweat per se but it makes rinsing the scalp easier, cuts tangles of doom, and it's not in your way.

    Brushes matter. Try a boar bristle to help distribute oils.

    Dry shampoo if you really need to, it can seriously help if a warm or cool water rinse isn't effective for you.

    Hope that helps!

  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    No way would I wash it after every workout. My hair would fall out I think. My hairdresser tells me it is actually very wrong to use that much soap (daily wash) on your scap and that it actually gets more greasy because the ppor scalp skin is trying to stay in good condition.
    I wash my hair once a week. After a workout I mostly just let it dry. Just have a brush/comb and hairstyle stuff in the office in case I need it.
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    I have curly hair and I workout 6 days a week and wash my about 2-3 times a week depending. It's so bad to wash your hair everyday. You can always just rinse it out with just water and a little conditioner if you are one of those people who find it impossible to shower without washing your hair lol..
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I guess I'm the only lucky one to get scalp fungus from stretching washes?
  • chromekodi
    chromekodi Posts: 21 Member
    edited October 2016
    Lol I shower once a week whether I need it or not... No but seriously I work outside and sweat all day and I MIGHT wash my hair once a week. My hair just looks way you better if I don't wash it. Plus it's way easier to make it into a certain style if I don't wash it. And I never use conditioner
  • sweetpea813
    sweetpea813 Posts: 112 Member
    So I used to wash my hair every day and sometimes twice a day if I worked out later in the afternoon and my hair got really damaged. It got brittle and dry. I know it sounds gross probably but I go home and dry my sweaty hair with a hair dryer then put dry shampoo in. Then I wash it the next day. I wash my hair every other day now.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I guess I'm the only lucky one to get scalp fungus from stretching washes?

    This does seem odd. mine is the opposite, it takes a long time to dry so if i washed everyday it would be wet so much i think it would cause problems. stretching washes lets it be dry for awhile before getting it wet.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'll wash it every couple of days if I don't sweat much. If my hair gets at all wet from sweat it's getting washed again even if I just took a shower that morning.

    My scalp is unfazed by frequent shampoos and I regularly apply argan oil to keep frizz down, so my hair is not going to dry out.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Curly but fine hair here. I work out every day but my treadmill/weights sessions don't do much to my hair beyond a little dampness. I skate a couple times a week though at high intensity and wear a helmet, and I schedule my washes around this. No more than twice a week, still, although dry shampoo is my friend to cut the greasiness once in a while. Luckily my texture means I can sort of fluff and go most of the time.