Caffiene Addict



  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    At point... No! You will not lose any weight if you keep your diet in one situation, no exercise it will happen.

    Many people came to my father with the same problem!

    You will end up getting all what you have lost back

    I know more than friends is doing the same diet as I am and it's working!

    My brother is one of them. He weighs more than 350 pounds. He tried every known diet to us, nothing worked.

    I'll post a website where you can inter your weight info to let you know how much you gotta lose and by maintaining how much of calories per day.

    And clearly this girl tried everything

    My fathers diet has nothing difficult in it.

    So if she wants to lose 50 pounds this year she must eat below 1500 calories, other than that don't.

    If you have Ph'D in this subject you may say what you want. Other than that, please don't.
    If she's addicted to caffeine eating bad food , she could have anemia!

    Cause caffeine drinks destroy the Hb in blood.
    Therefore, that's why I said pharmacy and Dr so she can go and ask before taking anything.

    You're wrong.

    OP, please ignore all of the quoted posts.

    Counting calories works. Caffeine will not harm you (though, if you want to give it up, do it slowly). All you have to do is accurately measure your food and stay at your calorie goal. You don't have to exercise, but it generally improves your health and it's good for you.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Hi! Funny, today is day ONE without coffee for me. I consume more caffine during the day than what is healthy. I blame my years working at Starbucks for turning me into a monster. I have cut back on the caffeine with water, though. I also have turned to green tea!

    ALSO, I have severe IBS-D. I hope the paleo diet works, you should update us and let us know how it goes! I'm terrible at sticking to things so the best I've done is stop eating red meat. Red meat somehow triggers my tummy problems. That's all I've stuck to!

  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Hey, I do these stuff by my self and they works!
    My father is a dietitian, so I know what I'm doing!

    I've been doing this for over a month and already can see the difference.

    Don't expect to lose weight without exercising

    What the heck are you talking about? I lost over 100 pounds with no exercise whatsoever. I think you're not quite the expert you think you are... you probably know a lot and can apply it to yourself, but you need more information before you start giving advice so freely
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Just to add my two "two cents worth" here, caffeine isn't evil. I admit, I've become overly dependent on it...but it's not harmful and it can actually aid in fat loss. My struggle is not adding all the "stuff" to my coffee that puts empty calories in my diet.
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    edited October 2016
    Just to add my two "two cents worth" here, caffeine isn't evil. I admit, I've become overly dependent on it...but it's not harmful and it can actually aid in fat loss. My struggle is not adding all the "stuff" to my coffee that puts empty calories in my diet.

    The main reason why I want to cut it out is because I get anxious and I have IBS. Mainly greasy foods trigger it but caffeine does as well. I don't drink coffee <hate it> or tea, I drink monsters and nos. Lol. I try to get the zero calorie ones but some people tell me those are worse for you. Honestly idek.

    Also, you lost 100lbs!!!!??? That's awesome!
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Babs2Baby wrote: »
    Take iron ( like vitamin) from any pharmacy and vitamin C it's keeps you active and energetic
    For your weight loss can you tell me about your diet so I can help you?

    Thanks I'll try that. I heard iron helps with more energy. Is there a brand that's better than the other or are they all essentially the same?
    Paleo is just pretty much eating how you would eat if you lived as a caveman. Meat, fat, nuts, veggies (not potatoes or legumes or beans), and fruits. No processed sugar or caffeine.

    Um...OP, PLEASE for your health and sanity, PLEASE don't take any advice from that guy... Just saying... I'd stick to the stickies that ChefBarbell posted and some others here..but this guy is giving some pretty dangerous advice about supplementation etc that you really need to discuss with a doctor (and he is NOT one)

  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! Funny, today is day ONE without coffee for me. I consume more caffine during the day than what is healthy. I blame my years working at Starbucks for turning me into a monster. I have cut back on the caffeine with water, though. I also have turned to green tea!

    ALSO, I have severe IBS-D. I hope the paleo diet works, you should update us and let us know how it goes! I'm terrible at sticking to things so the best I've done is stop eating red meat. Red meat somehow triggers my tummy problems. That's all I've stuck to!


    Oh yeah I can see working at Starbucks being a huge instigator for during their employees into caffeine addicts, hahaha. And I hope you are able to get through the day without your norm dose of caffeine !!
    For me what triggers it is spicy food and greasy food. Red meat not so much. I will try to keep this updated, how about I add you as a friend instead lol.
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Babs2Baby wrote: »
    Just to add my two "two cents worth" here, caffeine isn't evil. I admit, I've become overly dependent on it...but it's not harmful and it can actually aid in fat loss. My struggle is not adding all the "stuff" to my coffee that puts empty calories in my diet.

    The main reason why I want to cut it out is because I get anxious and I have IBS. Mainly greasy foods trigger it but caffeine does as well. I don't drink coffee <hate it> or tea, I drink monsters and nos. Lol. I try to get the zero calorie ones but some people tell me those are worse for you. Honestly idek.

    Also, you lost 100lbs!!!!??? That's awesome!

    Is caffeine the problem or is it the other stuff in the energy drinks? There's carbonation, artificial sweeteners, vitamins (too many B vitamins can give me "nervous energy"). IBS is a tough one... I had ulcerative colitis (which is similar in symptoms) which resolved itself by cutting out dairy and bread. Who would have thought. But I guess my body was over-compensating with acids to digest the grains and dairy.
  • erikfarrar
    erikfarrar Posts: 35 Member
    Babs2Baby wrote: »
    So my biggest goal starting here is to stop drinking so much caffeine, however, when I try to stop I get so irritable! I know I can't quit cold turkey but I want to stop.

    I have sort of a willfully tough time with this too. I have found that when I go on vacation sometimes to places where coffee or caffeinated beverages are not easily available, I'm basically fine after a day or two.

    Caffeine has about a 5- or 6-hour half-life in the human body, so basically after a full day or two, there's nothing left. You should re-acclimatize with only a few days cold turkey.

    But there's a psychological component too: routines such as morning coffee or breaks, or the trigger of the aroma of brewing coffee are often stronger pulls than the caffeine itself. If you want to wean off, substitute one or more of your preferred hits with something less caffeinated: black or green teas, chai, etc. Switch to decaf: sometimes you can fool that psychological component with the taste of coffee without the dose of caffeine. If you do energy drinks, switch to a flavored seltzer water for the sensation of bubbles (stay away from calorie-filled, and often caffeinated sodas).

    Stay hydrated and take some over the counter NSAIDs for headaches, if you get those first physical symptoms of withdrawal...and just realize that you're going to be grumpy for a couple days. In the realm of dependencies, it's definitely on the mild side. You can do it.

    In caffeine's defense, a little can up your metabolism, so it's okay to indulge a little -- but it can also screw with your sleep cycle if you have too much too late, which will erase any of those metabolic gains.

  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    erikfarrar wrote: »
    Babs2Baby wrote: »
    So my biggest goal starting here is to stop drinking so much caffeine, however, when I try to stop I get so irritable! I know I can't quit cold turkey but I want to stop.

    I have sort of a willfully tough time with this too. I have found that when I go on vacation sometimes to places where coffee or caffeinated beverages are not easily available, I'm basically fine after a day or two.

    Caffeine has about a 5- or 6-hour half-life in the human body, so basically after a full day or two, there's nothing left. You should re-acclimatize with only a few days cold turkey.

    But there's a psychological component too: routines such as morning coffee or breaks, or the trigger of the aroma of brewing coffee are often stronger pulls than the caffeine itself. If you want to wean off, substitute one or more of your preferred hits with something less caffeinated: black or green teas, chai, etc. Switch to decaf: sometimes you can fool that psychological component with the taste of coffee without the dose of caffeine. If you do energy drinks, switch to a flavored seltzer water for the sensation of bubbles (stay away from calorie-filled, and often caffeinated sodas).

    Stay hydrated and take some over the counter NSAIDs for headaches, if you get those first physical symptoms of withdrawal...and just realize that you're going to be grumpy for a couple days. In the realm of dependencies, it's definitely on the mild side. You can do it.

    In caffeine's defense, a little can up your metabolism, so it's okay to indulge a little -- but it can also screw with your sleep cycle if you have too much too late, which will erase any of those metabolic gains.

    This is the best advice so far regarding caffeine. I've given it up twice in my life,and wound up at the doctor both times with massive headaches. Also, I started eating more...which is why I got back on the coffee kick. It was a trade off. A little of what you enjoy can help avoid a lot of something worse lol
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2016
    Best way to cut back on caffeine if you can is to taper (I've done that and cold turkey, the latter is doable, but can involve headaches).

    This time I switched out coffee for much lower caffeine teas and found it pretty easy. For the OP I'd just drink a little less each day until you are at a level that works for you (maybe none).

    On the vacation thing, last time I was off coffee I was doing great 'til I went to Hawaii, and couldn't resist going for the Kona coffee. Oops. ;-)