Tips for the super busy



  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    21 to date, about 15 since post. Now i'm up against the wall though... hoping I can just hang on...

    My schedule is horrible and I really don't know how to schedule in any more time... lunchbreak over :grumble: :sad: :yawn:
  • HeartRN77
    HeartRN77 Posts: 39 Member
    The best advice I can give is to get up earlier, that's what works for me. I have 4 children a full time job and go to college full time to get my BSN so I know where you are coming from and I know it can work. I get up at 5 am and get my fitness out of the way. If I don't do it that way it won't get done. I hope that helps If you want it to work it will.
  • Healingnutritionsolutions
    The best advice I can give is to get up earlier, that's what works for me. I have 4 children a full time job and go to college full time to get my BSN so I know where you are coming from and I know it can work. I get up at 5 am and get my fitness out of the way. If I don't do it that way it won't get done. I hope that helps If you want it to work it will.

    Looking at 4:30a... means I need to stop studying until 2am... lol. Cutting hours at work too... might have to take out a student loan... ouch, but it would save some stress in the short term. I only have 9 months left! Major changes ARE GOING TO HAPPEN starting tomorrow.
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    If you're as busy as you say you are, I would focus on getting your eating and sleeping under control, then add in exercise. Exercise will make you feel great, but if you aren't giving your body nourishment or allowing itself to rest and repair, you will do damage to it.

    Other people mentioned setting priorities... my house is always tidy, but it's not sparkling clean for sure. I'd rather spend my time doing something else than scrub my toilet. So figure out what is important to you, and do that. Or ask for help.
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    Good luck with your big changes.
    (I didn't realize your first post was old... I should have read the whole thread before responding).