Not new, just a lurker but I'm ready to come out

From being a lurker! Hi! I'm Mandy! I'm getting married in a week and lost 60 lbs to fit into my wedding dress that's been in my closet for 6 years! It finally zips! I still have 55 lbs to go. I'm 6ft1 so I've always carried weigh well, but after our 3rd child I packed on so much it would bring me to tears to see my pictures. I finally stepped on the scale and was shocked to see 315. At 9 months I wasn't even that heavy. I was feeling it too. Heart palpitations, running out of breath from one flight of stairs. Not good. I feel better now but trying to get back to probably weight which is 199. I'm currently fluctuating between 255-257. I started last November so it's been about an avg of 5 lbs a month. Slow and steady wins the race right?! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated! Add me and I'll add you back. Together we can do face comparisons and keep each other on our toes!


  • MindOverMandy
    MindOverMandy Posts: 8 Member
    Can I not edit my post?! Lol not probably weight pre-baby** stupid autocorrect
  • jarednd
    jarednd Posts: 3 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm the future hubby. Looking for accountabilibuddies and motivational folks to be friends with, too. I'm gonna start taking progress pics like Mandy, too, seems like a great idea.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    From being a lurker! Hi! I'm Mandy! I'm getting married in a week and lost 60 lbs to fit into my wedding dress that's been in my closet for 6 years! It finally zips! I still have 55 lbs to go. I'm 6ft1 so I've always carried weigh well, but after our 3rd child I packed on so much it would bring me to tears to see my pictures. I finally stepped on the scale and was shocked to see 315. At 9 months I wasn't even that heavy. I was feeling it too. Heart palpitations, running out of breath from one flight of stairs. Not good. I feel better now but trying to get back to probably weight which is 199. I'm currently fluctuating between 255-257. I started last November so it's been about an avg of 5 lbs a month. Slow and steady wins the race right?! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated! Add me and I'll add you back. Together we can do face comparisons and keep each other on our toes!

    Go ahead and add me I am trying to lose weight too. In the last 7 months I've lost over 63 pounds.
    Trying to keep the weight off I want to keep it going off day by day but my body is adjusted to where I'm at right now so I think I'm at a plateau. We can do this together
  • MindOverMandy
    MindOverMandy Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the friend requests so far guys!! Keep them coming let's cheer!
  • MindOverMandy
    MindOverMandy Posts: 8 Member
    Where's my frans?! Few more?
  • Zee_0100
    Zee_0100 Posts: 397 Member
    Where's my frans?! Few more?

    Here you go ione more and i just love your hair sooo much i need to talk something v.important to you well be waiting for your reply.