Need to loose about 100 pounds

Hi, I need to loose a lot of weight. I am two years post major cancer diagnosis. Gained 70+ pounds during treatment. I have been very sedentary and stay tired all of the time. This is day five of my diet. I decided just to cut out bread and sugar. To be honest I feel worse now than when I started, but my husband assures me that once the sugar is out of my system, I will feel better.


  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    Are you insulin resistant, diabetic, or have super high triglycerides? If you have no medical reason to cut bread and sugar from your diet, don't. Carbs and sugar give us energy. Energy is what we need to move and be active. Moving and increased activity lead to burning more calories. Burning more calories than we eat leads to losing weight. It's that simple.

    To lose 70+ pounds you need to be in a calorie deficit. If you click on goals, then click on view guided set-up, you can put your information in and choose how fast you want to lose weight. I chose 2 pounds/week. Some choose one pound/week because it isn't as hard. The My Fitness Pal app will tell you how many calories to eat each day to lose weight.

    To accurately count the calories you need a kitchen scale to weigh your food. Pasta and rice are usually weighed before cooking since the water that is absorbed into the pasta and rice makes it twice (or more) as heavy. Meats are also normally weighed before cooking. I got mixed up several times on when and how to figure out the calories in my food but I did the best I could, checked the different forums out for answers to my questions, and estimated when all else failed. Sometimes the database was wrong. I started checking the nutrition info on my packages against the information in the food database. Sometimes I edited the information because it was wrong but not in the beginning. I learned a little more each month until it became second-hand.

    I have lost over 100 pounds doing it this way and my energy has increased dramatically. It's more sustainable if you can choose WHATEVER you want to eat as long as it fits into your daily calorie allocation. That means it'll be easier to maintain and you might not gain it back as soon as you start eating bread and sugar again.

    Good luck and I hope this helps you get started.