Eat over my calorie amount will I lose eight slower or not lose at all

Ok I chose to lose weight the slowest possible I can so I'm 5'3 and 163 pounds female that's 24 .. so it gives me 1570 calories a day .. most days I do good but 3 days I go out with friends and I added calories as cushion I come out 420 calories over the amount of calories I should if I ate 1570 calories a day.. it estimates that I will reach 140 by 8/5/2017 but if I average 409 calories at the end of the week that I'm supposed too will my target date for my goal just be later in the year or will actually gain weight .. also I'm planning to try to work off calories but bad habits die hard so I'm just going to assume most weeks I'll be be over my weeks amount of calories by 420.. andcwill say over 420 I don't mean every day just the total week I'm over 420 calories that the computer gives me


  • steengod
    steengod Posts: 35 Member
    If you make an equation that tells what 7 * 1570's is and you are under the caloric intake per week, you will lose weight at the end of the week.

    It is ok to eat 1400 one day and 1700 the next, just the average is 1570 per day.

    You can then help by exercising, it makes it easier to come under your desired calorie intake.

    It is all about calorie intake and calorie consumption, but exercise builds muscles, which helps your metabolism
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    I ran your stats. A sedentary TDEE is approx 1753 at your current weight and height. To lose .4 pounds a week I calculated you need to eat 1580 calories a day and to lose even slower at .2 pounds per week your calorie intake would be approx 1665.

    If you take those approximations and decrease your total weekly deficit by the amount you plan to go over each week, this will tell you if you will be losing.

    You could also set MFP to maintain your weight (change it from losing to maintain) and determine the amount it gives you and calculate it that way too.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    If you're set to:

    0.5 lb loss per week = 250 cal under maintenance per day = 1750 cal under maintenance per week
    1 lb loss per week = 500 under maintenance per day = 3500 cal under maintenance per week
    1.5 lb loss per week = 750 cal under maintenance per day = 5250 under maintenance per week
    2 lb loss per week = 1000 under maintenance per day = 7000 under maintenance per week

    So if logging is as accurate as possible and you are over by 420 for the week:
    0.5 lb loss per week -> 1750 - 420 = 1330 = 0.38 lb loss per weer
    1 lb loss per week -> 3500 - 420 = 3080 = 0.88 lb loss per week
    1.5 lb loss per week -> 5250 - 420 = 4430 = 1.38 lb per week loss