Question about excerses (sorry boys)

It seems like there has a been alot of posts recently about TOTM so I will try to keep this as PC as possible. What type of exercises do you do to help with cramping? when I was younger my TOTM was short and pain free but now that I am about to turn 30 they have been painful and longer. I want to keep exercising but I dont think aerobics would be the best at this point in time.

Thanks everyone.


  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    cardio - a brisk walk always helps me (even though you DREAD it to start). and if you walk for an hour you burn over 300 calories. . ..
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I had some major surgery a year ago so don't have TOM any longer . . . but had horrible and terribly painful ones for over a decade prior to this. I found that getting up and walking actually aleviated a lot of my cramping. It is VERY tough to get up and lace up those shoes when you feel so bad . . . but it really does help.
    I really didn't do to much else during bad days, just a 20 to 30 minute walk.