I really need your help. Please.



  • Acal01
    Acal01 Posts: 66 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    This is actually my 185. Just took the picture, and makes me frustrated just by looking at it. I think I can even go lower than 160. I'm only 5'9".

    What is your goal physique? Do you want to be lean and muscled, or are you going for the ultra-skinny waif/"twink" look? What is your current workout routine (if any)?

    From the photo you posted, it's hard to imagine you losing 25-30 more pounds.

    I wanna actually tone up and look lean. Not interested in being all muscled up and bulky. The only workout routine I'm doing right now is running for half an hour, five days a week.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Start lifting heavy things. By running and restricting all you're doing is making a smaller version of your current self. You need some mass to fill you out and somewhat counter-intuitively, make you look leaner.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Try Minimalism.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'd agree with what others said. Although your chest and stomach do not appear toned I think that maybe because of lose skin from your weightloss rather than excess fat. I think how exposed your clavicle is really speaks to how lean in terms of fat you actually are. Comparing to my pictures my clavicle is only as prominent when I was at 160 and was barely visible at 188. Again I have a very small frame.

    Could you lose more fat? Yeah probably, but 20 pounds more is a stretch and it's quite possible that for appearance you'd be better off switching to muscle building.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i'd say you're a good weight, and putting on a little muscle - not enough to appear "built" - will help get the toned shape you want.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member

    This is actually my 185. Just took the picture, and makes me frustrated just by looking at it. I think I can even go lower than 160. I'm only 5'9".

    I think you're more skinny fat than anything. I don't think losing weight would be beneficial for you, i think the improvement you're looking for by getting to 160 would be solved by gaining muscle.

    I wouldn't think you should go below your current 1800 calories would be good or something you could even maintain.

    I went from 285 to 190 and i thought 185 was going to be my ideal weight but when i got to 190 i still felt like i needed to lose a lot more. I focused on weight training for my abs and it made a great deal of difference in my stomach.
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