Has anyone tried raw apple cider vinegar?



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    The enzymatic activity of it helps my digestion some, and other people take it for acid reflux. It doesn't do anything for weight loss, though.

    As for bodily PH, I've always been kind of skeptical of ACV. It's comprised of acetic acid, which I think would acidity your body. Apparently, it's supposed to be alkaline-forming, which I don't really understand, since I would think that you body would pull on mineral reserves o buffer it in the same way that it would if you drank a soda with citric acid in it. To me, drinking alkaline water makes more sense for that.

    Well actually it doesn't do anything at all to change your body's pH, just like everything else we ingest. So continue to be skeptic of anything claiming to "make your body more alkaline" because it is impossible and is based on woo.