12 months later.........

Joined 12 months ago and was getting to where I wanted to be. Then started struggling with an old injury which was crippling me, so took steps to sort it!
Had surgery about 6 weeks ago but now ended up with a blood clot


  • markshipley695
    markshipley695 Posts: 28 Member
    Ummmm there was more to that message than shows lol
    Anyway here for chat and support
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    You can always edit a message and continue writing! (within an hour)

    Injuries are always difficult, and with your doctors recommendations, you can still do some exercises, -depending on their severity of course.

    The part you obviously should focus on is the nutrition. You need to have healthier meals, so your body can recover faster. You can also create a solid foundation now, so when you're healed you can carry on with your workouts!
  • markshipley695
    markshipley695 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the message subcounter
  • jamesdaustin70
    jamesdaustin70 Posts: 13 Member
    I had shoulder surgery in April and got even more out of shape than I already was. Just started going to the gym about 5 months ago to lose weight and just now going to start some weight training. I feel better now than I have in years.
    Here's hoping you get everything sorted out.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    About 14 years ago I folded my right knee 90 degrees sideways. It tore cartridge on both sides of the knee. After surgery (and yea, healing was almost as painful as the injury) I did pretty well for a while. I took it easy, and managed to get a little overweight but overall I did well. Then, two years after that I herniated a disc in my spine (L4/L5) bad enough that I had to have emergency surgery to relieve the pressure on my sciatic nerve. I pretty much failed at recovery from that surgery. I did ok, did the exercises given to me until I was mostly healed, then stopped. I spent my time at work in a desk job mostly, and when I went home I spent my time in a recliner and did not exercise for the next 10 years. Guess what happened? At the beginning of January 2015 I was over 100 pounds overweight, morbidly obese, and had high blood pressure, lots of continuing pain in my back and both knees.

    Moral of this story is don't let the surgery beat you. I gave up at some point probably because of all the pain (which was significant) and avoided taking a chance of that pain reoccurring for over 10 years. Take a good look at your nutrition, eat at maintenance until you are healed so that you can heal, and do what exercises you can while you recover. Once you are healed don't stop there like I did, move forward with fitness and your weight loss goals.

    I'm done losing weight pretty much now, but work out and stay active on MFP trying to recomp and build my fitness level. Feel free to add me if I can be of any encouragement.
  • markshipley695
    markshipley695 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the messages guys. I'm not gonna let my injuries hold me back, if anything the surgery was me trying to make a difference so that I could get back on track and in a way the medication I'm taking is helping me because I can't drink for the next 6 months (