Hello! I'm Brendan.

Hello everyone. After a month of laziness I'm at it again. This time around I would like to try something different. I'm looking for people to add me on here so I can compare progress and be motivated. A little about myself..

I'm 20 years old, and I'm half way through my third year of college. My plans for after would be to teach fourth grade. I have many hobbies. They pretty much range from shooting guns to random programming on the computer. I'm co-renting a house with a few friends. I have a beautiful girlfriend who I plan on getting a place with in the coming summer who is also planning on joining me in this journey to live better and he healthier. I've also got a cat named Hobbes from the comic Calvin and Hobbes.

I think that should do it. Go ahead and send me a request if you want. I "plan" on posting every day. I got up to a 25 day streak last time.

I'm 6"4 235 lbs and I'm looking to get to 220 as my first goal. I got SO close last time, getting down to 226 but now I have gained it back. Wish me luck!


  • lulm789
    lulm789 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good luck :)
  • Kmedeiros83
    Kmedeiros83 Posts: 86 Member
    Good luck man and welcome! I'm also shooting for 220 as I haven't seen that number on the scale for quite some time. Feel free to add me :)