Can someone look at my diary and help?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    I am on my second week of weight loss...
    I am not sure what I am doing wrong

    Honestly what you are doing wrong is trying to evaluate your progress on only two weeks worth of data. Pick a plan, stick with it consistantly and then evaluate after 6-8 weeks. Two weeks is not enough to be able to see a trend of fat loss through the random fluctuations in weight you are going to get from water retention. Until you've done that you can't know if what your doing is working or not so there isn't much point in evaulating and second guessing.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Rohman24 wrote: »
    Hi, I know the same thing doesn't work for everyone but I am going through the same process at the moment and am a few weeks in. I hear you.i find I am very inpatient but for me scales are defo heading in the right direction. When you talk about cheese, bread...these are foods with lots of fats and carbs. Not saying u should cut them if you're exercising but if you can't say no to those sort of foods then consider the better cheese and better bread like feta or wholemeal. My biggest craving apart from crap food was sugar in tea which I used to have a lot of. I completely cut it out and am now used to it. Keep going and think of the positive changes you have already noticed when you get down about it or have cravings. You know you can do it because you already did! Good luck.

    It's not about the type of food, it's about calories. No need to give up on favourites. I'd be a sad panda if I could never eat chocolate.

    Also, OP hadn't given this hardly enough time and increased/started exercising this week. Excess sodium can make losses.

    OP, I gain 5+lbs before TOM and at ovulation.
  • alyangel123
    alyangel123 Posts: 41 Member
    I almost always gain up to 5lbs when i start a different workout plan or add heavier weights. It took a month for my weight to head down wards once i added weights for the first time but i lost inches. Its frustrating at first but totally normal for me if that helps to hear. Bootcamps can be intensive and do this, some weeks my weight suddenly plummets others it suddenly raises with crazy 5lb swings for the above reasons.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    I am on my second week of weight loss...
    I am not sure what I am doing wrong

    Honestly what you are doing wrong is trying to evaluate your progress on only two weeks worth of data. Pick a plan, stick with it consistently and then evaluate after 6-8 weeks. Two weeks is not enough to be able to see a trend of fat loss through the random fluctuations in weight you are going to get from water retention.

    I would agree with above. I also experienced random fluctuation and was frustrated and really discouraged. After more time passed the scale was friendly again (showing lower numbers). I'm learning the scale can show different things for many reasons. Once you have a few more weeks you could see where to start making changes if needed. Good luck!! This could be fun several weeks ahead :)
  • micayla75
    micayla75 Posts: 219 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the responses! It has really helped me put some things in perspective. I know I have to trust the process and give it more time. I appreciate everyone helping me through my frustration. :-)
  • brandiwyliemoore
    brandiwyliemoore Posts: 23 Member
    micayla75 wrote: »
    I am a high school teacher, so I eat alone in my room while I work. There are only 5 teachers in my building, so while there is a teacher's lounge, no one is ever in it. Lol

    I can definitely have a scale, I just didn't want to spend the money to weigh tuna. It seems a little ridiculous as does opening it, weighing it and putting it in a new container every morning. I can't imagine it is off by more than a few grams.

    I like the idea of seeing how it goes before I spend the money because I would prefer to save the money for a heart rate monitor! :-)

    Swipe a scale from the science dept (jk)