Energy levels after donating blood

I gave blood last week for the very first time ever and was so proud of myself for doing so. I felt alright afterwards and so I got up the next day at 0530 and went to the gym for a circuit class. Had a really busy weekend but felt alright.

However, 4 days after I started to feel completely exhausted. My usual get up and go has big fat got up and gone... by Wednesday I struggled to get through my regular body pump class and even reduced the weights. I just want to sleep...

Is this normal? Has anyone else felt like this after giving blood?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    It usually takes me a couple of days to feel normal after donating blood. I usually increase my calories the day of and for a few days after as well as plan the donation to ensure my workouts after are lighter.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    generally you are recommended to avoid hard physical exertion for 24 hours after giving blood.

    I tried going for the run the morning after an evening doning session. I have never felt so awful on a run in my life. My legs felt heavy and would barely move.

    Next time, give yourself a break for a t least 24 hours after, then reintroduce exercise gently.

    Oh, and well done and thankyou. spread the word.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    For most people, if they are going to experience any physical symptoms related to blood donation they happen almost immediately - these almost certainly resolve within 24 hours for most. If the weakness you're describing didn't start until four days after the donation, I would guess it's being caused by something else. For example, you may have contracted a mild virus that your immune system is fighting.
  • drawaimfire
    drawaimfire Posts: 83 Member
    I hope you are feeling better!

    I donate regularly and have never experienced anything like that, I just get a little sleepy that day and then back up to snuff the next morning.

    Don't let it discourage you, its a great thing to do and with the advice some have put above, you should be OK if that's what caused it.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    sharahoh wrote: »
    I gave blood last week for the very first time ever and was so proud of myself for doing so. I felt alright afterwards and so I got up the next day at 0530 and went to the gym for a circuit class. Had a really busy weekend but felt alright.

    However, 4 days after I started to feel completely exhausted. My usual get up and go has big fat got up and gone... by Wednesday I struggled to get through my regular body pump class and even reduced the weights. I just want to sleep...

    Is this normal? Has anyone else felt like this after giving blood?

    If you did alright in the gym the next morning not sure you can really blame it for exhaustion 4 days later, that doesn't really make sense.

    I think what affects you would feel from blood donation would be in the first 48 hours or so. Suprised actually that you didn't have an effect in the gym the next morning although depends how much you gave I suppose.