What to do when the donut calls me?



  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    I went gluten free two years ago and occasionally travel where donuts are a daily occurrence (and right next to the visitor's office). I deal with it by carefully selecting one donut and hiding out in my office where I lick the frosting off the entire donut, savoring the experience, before throwing the donut in the trash. It satisfies the craving and I feel like a little kid just enjoying her food when I do it.
  • moxienight
    Wow! Look at all those replies in one day! You know you're not alone when you get so many people responding to a message. We're all struggling everyday, and that is what this is all about. Turn to MFP for support the minute that donut calls your name. Get on the computer and have a quick look at all the things that everyone is suggesting, and you'll feel stronger. Since starting this, I feel more able to stick to what I've set out to do. It takes a village to turn around a compulsive eater! :wink:
  • janinealfke
    I absolutely agree that a high protein diet can keep you more satisfied. I have had weight loss surgery and I can not go backwards ever again. I love apple fritters but have not had one in two years, because I do not want to go back to what I was before. Willpower keeps me from going there, and not wanting the scale to go up the way I know it will the next day if I give in. Drink water, exercise, do whatever it takes. YOU CAN DO IT...HANG IN THERE!!!!

    Janine Alfke
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't answer the phone!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Text to donuts nekkid pics of you with salad.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Is there any way you could ask him to move the donuts elsewhere?

    I have been pretty good with donuts, they were one of my all-time comfort foods. I allow myself one donut on the last Friday of every month, as that's when my husband's company gets them in for their monthly meeting. He saves me a white-iced donut every time and I class that (and a cup of tea) as lunch. =B
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    It's easier to say no when you plan on saying yes from time to time.

    Pick a specific day as your "doughnut day" and have one on that day (once a week, or once every couple of weeks). That way when you are staring at the delicious doughnuts you can tell yourself "I just have to wait till friday and then it's dougnut day!"

    I do that with crackers or other food that I love to snack on, but isn't that great for me. It's easier to say no when you know that you'll be having some later on in the week/month. Good luck!
  • cfergusontx
    I was (am) a sugar addict. When I finally realized that there was no having one donut, or one cookie -- shoot, I got so tired of people telling me just one won't hurt you. If I couldn't eat the bag of cookies I didn't want any. Who wants one freaking cookie? That was me. Finally I realized that it was like being alcoholic. I had to give it up completely. I haven't had a cookie, a piece of candy, cake, donut, soda, ice cream--you get the picture--in almost four years. Within four months of giving up sugar I lost 30 lbs and that was without altering my diet in any other way. Now, I didn't give up bread, or pasta, or carbs and I realize that lots of things contain sugar. But if something even looks like dessert to me, like muffins, granola bars, breakfast cereal, etc. I don't eat it. The first few weeks were so hard I actually went through withdrawal. I felt like a junkie. Then, I experienced a kind of freedom like never before. Sweets don't control my life anymore and it's a miracle. I've kept that 30 lbs off for almost 4 years and now I'm trying to lose another 20 and I'll be a normal weight for the first time in years! I'm sharing my story to tell you, you can get the monkey off your back, if you are willing to completely give up that one thing that won't let go of you.
  • cfergusontx
    Also, there's a new guy at our office (been here a year). I warned him of the food overload when he started work here. He's now 20 lbs. heavier. People bring food every day and force it on everyone else. :drinker:
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Also, there's a new guy at our office (been here a year). I warned him of the food overload when he started work here. He's now 20 lbs. heavier. People bring food every day and force it on everyone else. :drinker:
    That's exactly what happened to me. I thought I could afford it, and then *poof* I gained like everyone else here. :embarassed:
    Some workplaces need a warning label.
  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    I'm a sugar person myself and I haven't stopped having my fix of sugary food BUT, definitely be aware of it... see, if you want to have a donut, don't stop yourself from having it, you'll only crave it more... what you could do instead is maybe have only half of it, or maybe even a quarter. The trick is to have a taste, then have plenty of water, and voila, you'll have your donut fix and the water will help to make you full. If you're working out regularly and rarely go over your calories, it's not a piece of donut that will stop your progress.
  • aliciarose511
    aliciarose511 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been a victim of office treats since 2009. In fact, office sweets, treats, and lunches are a lot of the reason I gained so much weight.

    Now a days, I try having a SMALL but of whatever is offered. For example, maybe a small piece of a donut, but I stick to my healthy stuff the rest of the day, and I account for my piece. For cake, I always offer to be the one to cut the pieces and I cut a small one for myself. This works for me. It took a long time though.
  • DeeCathy
    DeeCathy Posts: 5
    Can you ask him to move the donuts somewhere else? I have the same problem on Fridays, because we have guys come in who are otherwise not there, and they bring sweets and goodies. Glad you reminded me, because Friday is coming and I need to have a plan to resist those donuts!

    Sometimes just not having them in close proxmity is enough to keep yourself from succumbing to their lure. It's like if I don't buy something and bring it home, then I can't eat it. Best of luck to you!