Fat middle aged beer swiller

G'day all,

I'm 44 years old and have been overweight for about 15 years.
I've joined gyms and trained haphazardly on and off for about ten years now without much success.
Recently my doctor has been on my back about my lifestyle. I'm starting to have nigling health problems.
It recently occurred to me that if I'm feeling old at 44, how will I be at 64? My life could essentially be over in 20 years! This is my wake up call.
When I was younger, before the weight gain, I was energetic and fit and healthy.
Age is just a number, I want my youth back!
This is what is driving me now, to feel young and energetic again. I finally have a strong reason WHY I want to lose weight and get fit. I'm confident this will drive me to success this time.
I'm doing regular exercise with a healthy high protein diet and have my alchohol consumption down to a six pack of beer a week.
Taking it one step at a time to make lifelong changes.

Thanks for reading, hope you reach your goals.


  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Had to laugh at your post's title! Many folks who exercise do it so they can still drink occasionally. Set your priorities and work it into your CICO...