Need A Jumpstart

New but not so new here.

Brief summary of where I'm at:
26, mom of 2 (8 & 7), single, full-time working mom, and at my highest weight EVER!

I'm 5' 1" 150#.

I put on 20#s in the last 2-3 years. I had attributed the initial 10# gain Tooo my mirena. However, I had that removed 5 months ago and have seen zero change.

I m at a point now where I disgust myself. And while my boyfriend loves me they way I am and tells me I'm beautiful on a regular basis I know he'd enjoy my previous weight too.

Even my mother, who is over weight, is concerned about my future. She doesn't want to see me go through the battles she faces.

Basically now, I have what I feel is a great game plan, and success reward lined up, I just cannot get my butt in gear and start!!!

At this point in time I am brainstorming ways to get myself started and force myself to keep going forward, I am thinking about keeping a daily photo diary. Everyday before and after I start my workout I want to snap a pic n save it ... I am hoping I start to noticesmall changes Tto keep myself going.

Does anyone else have any other tips to help me!?