Best low-calorie (non-fattening) snacks for when you're hungry but just ate?



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited October 2016
    I usually just go back for a second portion of the lowest calorie item from that same meal so it feels like a continuation of that meal, like a bowl of soup or more salad, unless I had something that didn't have leftovers, then I would just grab some tomatoes and cucumbers.

    If I'm not hungry and just feeling munchy, I have sunflower seeds in shell because despite being high in calories, 150 calories of them takes a long time to eat when you have to shell every seed individually, so by the time I'm done the munchies are gone.

    If I'm extra hungry, and I mean real hunger not random munchies, I do a tuna and potatoes salad which is as satisfying to me as a full meal, but for half the calories. A small can of tuna in water (70 calories), a smallish boiled potato (130), about 2 cups of romaine lettuce (15), 1 tbsp of light mayo mixed with vinegar to taste with 1 anchovy mashed into it for dressing (40) (you could mix in some greek yogurt for more dressing, but I like mine to barely coat). Salt, pepper, tarragon, MSG...etc whatever spices and herbs you like to taste. Totalling 250-260 calories. It's a bit higher in calories than most snacks, but also lasts longer for hunger than most snacks so you won't need to keep making trips to the kitchen nibbling hoping the next bite will be the magical one for your hunger which can really add up. If I don't want to fuss or be fancy I just do tuna with tomatoes, garlic and lemon juice for about 100 something calories (although not as satisfying as the option above but will do in a pinch).

    For cold nights watching a movie or something, I make light hot cocoa a sweetener and low fat milk. The relatively rich drink compared to tea feels satisfying and warming. Alternatively, I do a huge cup of strawberry tea with milk for 40-50 calories which is reminiscent of that strawberry milk I used to have as a kid and very comforting.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Hi, I'm curious to know what are some snacks that are filling and satiate hunger but are low in calories and 'healthy,' for when you're hungry just a few hours after you've eaten.

    I already know apples are quite good, but do you have anymore ideas?

    I'm confused ...a few hours after I've eaten I'm generally ready for another meal or decent snack

    An Apple is 80 calories
    Other things that are around 80-100 calories include a small banana, a solero ice cream, a packet of quavers chips, 15g high quality chocolate
    I find ice cream and ice lollies quite satisfying when I'm in snacking mood

    Go up another 100 cals and in for
    hummus and crudités and chips
    bread, laughing cow light and cucumber
    Scrambled egg white, mushrooms, spinach, ham on toast
    100g chicken, beef, deli protein
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    I eat large dill pickles, baby carrots, drink tomato juice- eat reduced fat/calorie popcorn, pretzels, a bunch of grapes. I try to make sure my meals have fiber or protein or both. They help me feel full, but there are days that my stomach is the abyss and nothing satisfies it, or so it seems. Drink a glass of water, and snack on some grapes or something...
  • Paschen81
    Paschen81 Posts: 150 Member
    Usually if you are hungry within a couple hours of eating either A. You didn't eat enough protein in your last meal or B. You aren't truly hungry but instead are not meeting a non food related need like not getting enough sleep, being overly stressed, feeling overwhelmed, or perhaps are dehydrated and need to drink a tall glass of water.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Sugar free jello, Boom Chick a Pop popcorn, cherry tomatoes with a light vinegarette, pickled beets or flavoured water.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,161 Member
    Apples just make me feel more hungry

    I thought I was the only one like this!!!!!

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Apples can get out, they do the same to me!

    2 wasa rye crackers and a light laughing cow cheese.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    For me the answer wasn't the right snacks. Since I was spending a significant amount of time exercising as well as dieting, I found my metabolism in high gear. That's not a bad thing, it's exactly what I wanted. I wanted to turn my body into a fat burning calorie-using machine. Well, that's what I got. What helped me was breaking down my meals from 3 larger meals a day plus snacks into 2 smaller meals, 1 larger meal and at two snacks a day. It comes out to about 5 meals a day like this:

    Breakfast (fairly small) ~ 500 calories or less
    Mid-Morning Snack (small) ~ 400 calories or less
    Lunch (fairly small) ~ 500 calories or less if possible, sometimes it'll inch into 600ish
    Dinner (larger) ~ 750-1000 calories
    Late Snack (small) ~ 400 calories or less

    The biggest hurdle for me was not having an afternoon snack, so I use gum for that. Seems to work. This way I'm adding food to satisfy my cravings every couple of hours with the exception of the afternoons. Now that I'm in maintenance and still doing the same level of exercise (up to a 1k calorie a day burn) I can bump those numbers up a bit if I want and not gain weight. When I was in a deficit I had to bump dinner down to 600-700ish and keep my mid-morning snacks to 250ish as well as my late snacks to meet my goals. But it still ends up the same way, 5 meals a day or so. There's also a pre-workout I take in the mornings very early, no calories to speak of, just a pre-workout drink and some extra water.
  • tafregnolon
    tafregnolon Posts: 16 Member
    I like pickles, stuffed olives, peppers.. just about anything pickled.
    sunflower seeds
    sugar free jello
    sugar free puddings
    sugar free popsicles, chocolate are awesome
    sugar free gum
    I like to add pink lemonade packets to ice water, sometimes, rather than just drink a glass of plain water.
    string cheese
    boiled eggs
  • EmilyElizabeth3
    EmilyElizabeth3 Posts: 17 Member
    Protein will make you feel full, so something like yogurt or cottage cheese (or any other lean protein) is a great option.

    If I'm feeling hungry, I usually start with fruit or veggies. See if some carrot sticks or strawberries fill you up, if not, go for protein.

    But sometimes, you just deserve something good. I have to get my chocolate fix every day. I always make sure I have enough calories at the end of the day to have some Halo Top ice cream, a pudding cup, or some other kind of dessert. Make sure you reward yourself for a good day. :smile:

    Also, sometimes your body interprets thirst as hunger. I've heard a lot of people say that they drink a glass of water before they eat in order to rule out eating when they're just thirsty.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Popcorn is my go to when I'm focused on making weight for a meet and need more volume.