Help needed with weigh ins!

Hi everyone! ☺️

I am just wondering how accurate the wii fit balance board is for weigh ins? I don't have a digital scale so I was going to monitor my weight loss progress using the wii fit board.

Or do people think it would be more worth while buying scales as there not that expensive? Thank you!


  • thetoughequus
    thetoughequus Posts: 25 Member
    I don't have any recent experience with the wii, but I would imagine a scale would be more accurate because ideally you can put it somewhere where it wouldn't move, and somewhere a little more private so you can weigh yourself with limited clothing
  • booklove88
    booklove88 Posts: 10 Member
    Omg no the wii balance board is not accurate! Last time I checked it was like a 20 lb difference for me!
    Go to Amazon and order the eatsmart precision scale it's like $25 or under and is amazing and very accurate. Make sure you recalibrate it (very easy to do) if you ever pick it up and move it tho to get it back to perfect accuracy.