
I need help! I fell off the wagon. I'm 5'2" and 128 pounds. I saw pictures of myself this weekend and I look extremely chunky. I need to start tomorrow and I need support and motivation please. I have a goal of being 112 ultimately. Please and thank you!! What has worked for you?? Ah!


  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Taking my time has worked for me. I think avoiding hard-and-fast deadlines is really important. I think it's easy to start trying to lose in an unhealthy way in order to meet them, and it can be really discouraging if you don't meet them. I figure the slower the loss, the more sustainable.
  • saintshoc
    saintshoc Posts: 29 Member
    Can't offer any amazing insights as the fairly standard process of logging my food and counting calories has worked for me as well as regular but varied forms of exercise to keep me out of my comfort zone when it comes to exercise. Good luck with the weight loss.
  • mummyhazell
    mummyhazell Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 30lbs between September 2014 and May 2015 using MFP. Weight slowly crept back on, so I have started back on properly today, will log everything as before. My main exercise is walking to/from work (just under 3 miles in total) plus we're NT members and enjoy walking round the various properties. I've stopped bringing salad to work (wrong weather!) and hope to think of new 'lunches' to vary things a bit. Good luck everyone. I'd like to lose 10lb - a stone by the end of the year and then go from there. My long term aim is to get down to around 160lbs (currently 200lbs) by the end of June 2017. We're going to Kefalonia and it's always more comfortable to weigh less in the heat, plus you just feel so much better! I find calorie counting gives me the flexibility to stick to it. I know, I fell off the wagon, but if I'd just have logged back on, I'm sure it would have been fine. Never mind, it's never too late. I do find as I get older (just turned 59) it seems to get harder to lose weight. Anyone else in this position?