A little rant

Ok. I'm not exactly sure what my problem is, other than the fact that I may have PCOS, when it comes to weight loss. I try my best to watch what I eat and how much I eat though I'll admit that when I'm very down in a depressed mood I'll either eat too much or not eat at all. So to start with my questions. I've been watching my carb intake and I know that keto is less than 20g a day. So if I'm just doing LCHF than is starting off with 50g of carb too high or should I try to go lower? Should I go back and forth between LCHF and trying to do keto or is that not good enough. And if I try a protein powder drink which would be best if all the ones I've seen are high in carbs? Is there anything else I could possibly use to get more protein in my diet besides eating eggs (because I can't eat them everyday). I've discovered that it's hard for me to "diet" and meal prep because I hate to eat the same thing more than 2 days in a row no matter how good it is. I've only been successful at meal prepping for 4 days in a row and that was at least a month ago. On top of that I get when I exercise too which just doesn't make sense. A couple years ago I use to love going to the gym but now that I don't want to pay 60 or 70 dollars a month for a gym then I'm stuck trying home workouts which don't work longer than 20 minutes for me because I get bored. I'm just so stuck and confused and don't know which way to go. I'm really getting frustrated especially since I've been on MFP for 52 days and I haven't lose any weight (actually gained weight according to my last doc appt. It's making me want to give up especially when everyone seems to be having a much easier time with weight loss than me. I had thought that having way more than 50 lbs to lose would make it so much easier for me to lose weight but it's just not happening and I really don't understand why. It's making a lot more depressed and embarrassed about my body and appearance than every before and there's not a day that goes by that I don't want to cry about it.

I'm just about 2 seconds from giving up and attempting to figure out how to like the fat that all over my body.

Not looking for a pity party either, just wanted a place to get that off my chest.


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    I think I would address the depression first. How bad is it? Have you sought treatment for it? Or are you on medication now? After that, try to devise an eating and exercise plan that fits your lifestyle.

    It's just my opinion, but if you go low carb you should probably stay low carb. Going on and off can cause too much water weight fluctuation.

    There ARE low carb protein powders. I can't remember the name of the last one I purchased (sorry), but a Google search should give you some suggestions.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Gonna break this up so I can comment
    Ok. I'm not exactly sure what my problem is, other than the fact that I may have PCOS, when it comes to weight loss.

    Why do you think you may have PCOS, go to doctor and talk it through. It's generally something that is fairly well detected through scans and symptoms

    I try my best to watch what I eat and how much I eat though I'll admit that when I'm very down in a depressed mood I'll either eat too much or not eat at all.

    Yeah that happens, but trying your best is not the same as doing. Start logging.

    So to start with my questions. I've been watching my carb intake and I know that keto is less than 20g a day. So if I'm just doing LCHF than is starting off with 50g of carb too high or should I try to go lower?

    LC is generally lower than 150g. Does this form of eating suit you, it isn't necessary for weight loss (not even for those with PCOS) it is personal preference. It never suited me long term and made me yo yo

    Should I go back and forth between LCHF and trying to do keto or is that not good enough.

    Pick What suits you and stick to it ...Keto is not something you want to dip in and out of bcuse the adjustment can be rough

    And if I try a protein powder drink which would be best if all the ones I've seen are high in carbs?

    But would you need protein powder if doing keto? Supplements are nor a pre-requisite

    Is there anything else I could possibly use to get more protein in my diet besides eating eggs (because I can't eat them everyday).

    What do you like? Meat, fish, dairy, lentils, Greek yogurt

    I've discovered that it's hard for me to "diet" and meal prep because I hate to eat the same thing more than 2 days in a row no matter how good it is. I've only been successful at meal prepping for 4 days in a row and that was at least a month ago.

    On top of that I get when I exercise too which just doesn't make sense. A couple years ago I use to love going to the gym but now that I don't want to pay 60 or 70 dollars a month for a gym then I'm stuck trying home workouts which don't work longer than 20 minutes for me because I get bored.

    Find something you'd enjoy. In the meantime just start walking

    I'm just so stuck and confused and don't know which way to go. I'm really getting frustrated especially since I've been on MFP for 52 days and I haven't lose any weight (actually gained weight according to my last doc appt.

    Log food by weight accurately, meet your defecit over time

    It's making me want to give up especially when everyone seems to be having a much easier time with weight loss than me. I had thought that having way more than 50 lbs to lose would make it so much easier for me to lose weight but it's just not happening and I really don't understand why. It's making a lot more depressed and embarrassed about my body and appearance than every before and there's not a day that goes by that I don't want to cry about it.

    I'm just about 2 seconds from giving up and attempting to figure out how to like the fat that all over my body.

    Not looking for a pity party either, just wanted a place to get that off my chest.

    You are eating too much

    Weigh your foods, don't set yourself rules you won't stick to. Just eat to your calorie defecit across the week for the next six eeeks
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited October 2016
    What counts for weight loss is being in a calorie deficit - it means burning more calories than you are eating. It really doesnt have to rely on restricting carbs, but if that is the way you want to go, well then do that. Protein shakes too are simply a personal preference, but they are not necessary for weight loss. In fact, weight loss is accomplished in the kitchen, while toning and firming is accomplished in the gym, which means that you really dont even have to work out to lose weight.

    however, you need to know how many calories you are consuming, so get your stats into MFP, get a food scale and start weighing and measuring. You will be surprised. If you have been sticking to a plan that you THINK is a deficit, without using a scale you cant be sure, and I would not be surprised if you are eating more than you think if you are truly gaining, instead of just experiencing natural variations and fluctuations in your weight.

    Meal prep really can be helpful, and it doesnt have to be an ordeal - make double batches of stuff you would be making anyway, and freeze the extras. Get a good cookbook and plug the recipes into the MFP recipe builder, and then you can create a rotating meal plan that can go for weeks if you want. a plan is always better than winging it - it gives you a feeling of being more in control of what you are eating - because you are!

    For women who have a fair bit to lose, like you and I, it is true that we can "enjoy" a higher daily calorie count than those who weigh less, and our weight loss will be a bit faster. However, it is still a matter of calorie control, so I really encourage the scale bsuiness. Maybe you wont need to use it for ever, maybe you will be fortunate enough to be able to eyeball appropriate portions after awhile, but its a good idea to start with some factual data.

    I hate to hear of someone who is so frustrated they want to give up - its heartbreaking, because with a few tweaks here and there, and some advice from the posters here, you can accomplish what you want.

    I am living testimony - I have lost 115lbs in just under a year. Never went to the gym, as I have mobility issues. I use recipes from the LooneySpoons collection, and the ones I find on line that give calorie counts to keep changing up the menu for hubby and I. I still go out to eat, still go on vacations, still have chips and birthday cake. And although it is a cliche, I really believe that if I can do it so can you because I can readily admit that I am the laziest creature on the planet. But I wanted to lose weight more than I wanted to stay fat. MFP was my way of accomplishing that goal. I have 4 lbs to go before I am out of the "obese" category, and will become "overweight" - how wonderful to actually be "Overweight"!!!

    Believe in yourself, it is all within your control. Good luck!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Ok. I'm not exactly sure what my problem is, other than the fact that I may have PCOS, when it comes to weight loss. I try my best to watch what I eat and how much I eat though I'll admit that when I'm very down in a depressed mood I'll either eat too much or not eat at all. So to start with my questions. I've been watching my carb intake and I know that keto is less than 20g a day. So if I'm just doing LCHF than is starting off with 50g of carb too high or should I try to go lower? Should I go back and forth between LCHF and trying to do keto or is that not good enough.

    Eating low carb is not necessary in order to lose fat, even if you have PCOS. My suggestion would be to start with calculating your protein and fat minimums, aim for those, and once you have met them your remaining calories can come from more protein or more fat or carbs. This is how I calculate my macros:

    bodyweight in pounds x .8 = protein grams
    bodyweight in pounds x .4 = fat grams

    Since you are 50 pounds overweight, I'd suggest using the top "healthy weight" for your height, based on BMR to calculate this. If that top healthy weight is 150, this is how the numbers would work out:

    150 x .8 = 120 grams protein (1 gram of protein = 4 calories so this is 480 calories)
    150 x .4 = 60 grams fat (1 gram of fat = 9 calories so this is 540 calories)

    Carbs are 4 calories per gram. If your calorie goal was 1600, you would have 580 calories (1600-480-540) left to play with. If you used all of those on carbs, you'd eat 145 grams of carbs. But remember that you do not have to use all of those calories on carbs. You could eat more protein or fat instead or, of course the most realistic option would be to have a combo of those the three macros. Play around with it a bit to see what you like best.
    And if I try a protein powder drink which would be best if all the ones I've seen are high in carbs? Is there anything else I could possibly use to get more protein in my diet besides eating eggs (because I can't eat them everyday).

    There is no one best protein powder. However, I use Optimum Nutrition. I like its taste and it is easily available (Amazon has it.) It happens to be lower in carbs (3 grams per scoop) but I never actually paid attention to that until just now when I checked it. As for protein choices, here are a few that I use often:

    - meat (chicken, beef, pork)
    - eggs
    - cottage cheese
    - yogurt
    - fish (fresh or canned or packets)
    - protein bars (I like Nature Valley protein bars, which are right next to the granola bars)
    I've discovered that it's hard for me to "diet" and meal prep because I hate to eat the same thing more than 2 days in a row no matter how good it is. I've only been successful at meal prepping for 4 days in a row and that was at least a month ago.

    If by meal prep you mean packing up meals several days ahead of time, I don't really do that. I don't find it necessary for me. I think that is a different strokes for different folks kind of thing. Definitely not a "must" for weight loss.
    On top of that I get when I exercise too which just doesn't make sense. A couple years ago I use to love going to the gym but now that I don't want to pay 60 or 70 dollars a month for a gym then I'm stuck trying home workouts which don't work longer than 20 minutes for me because I get bored.

    Try 3 different 20 minute workouts a week for awhile. Rotate through several types and maybe one will click with you. Or just simply get out and walk. Walking is really good to just get you moving more. Are there any rec centers or park districts in your area that offer exercise classes that you can pop into for $5 a class rather than signing up for a membership? Look around and you might find something like that.
    I'm just so stuck and confused and don't know which way to go. I'm really getting frustrated especially since I've been on MFP for 52 days and I haven't lose any weight (actually gained weight according to my last doc appt. It's making me want to give up especially when everyone seems to be having a much easier time with weight loss than me. I had thought that having way more than 50 lbs to lose would make it so much easier for me to lose weight but it's just not happening and I really don't understand why. It's making a lot more depressed and embarrassed about my body and appearance than every before and there's not a day that goes by that I don't want to cry about it.

    In the end, it really does come back to ingesting fewer calories than you burn all day long. You have to be extremely honest with yourself--if you are gaining weight, it is because you are eating more than necessary for your activity level at your size. Sometimes it is hard to make yourself admit and log (write down) the little bites or treats. I actually think that people with a lot to lose can do well without counting any calories at all in the beginning if they just are very honest about writing down what they eat and make a solid effort to eat less junk and move more. That's exactly what I did at the start of this thing--I was 50+ pounds overweight too.

    Best of luck to you. Don't give up. You'll get there.
  • ericwhitt
    ericwhitt Posts: 87 Member
    As for the gym/workout problem, have you looked around for alternative fitness options? I have a few friends who joined a pole dancing fitness class, and they absolutely fell in love with it. There's also Zumba and Ninja Warrior training classes around my area too. You could also look at joining a team sport like Soccer, flag football, basketball or volleyball. This could also help with the depression as it will get you out and meeting new people and socializing with them.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    I agree tackling the depression is a good idea, it's making this seem more complicated than it really is. A lot of your post sounds like depression talking (I had post natal so I recognise it).

    In the meantime, simplify this right down. Forget low carb. Forget keto. Forget protein shakes. Forget meal prepping. Those are meant to be ways of making it easier but they're making it harder for you, so throw them out.

    All you need to do to lose weight is eat a bit less. That's all. And I don't mean stick perfectly to a calorie limit every day, either - overall, day by day, you need to eat a bit less. Some days you will eat a lot because you are hungry or sad or have something to celebrate, that's OK. It can't ruin everything because you keep going, day by day.

    So you log everything. No sneaky mouthfuls. No deciding you've "ruined it" after a binge and not logging it. Log the binges, the birthday parties, the days you only ate half a piece of toast. And - this is hard - no guilt. No punishment, no paybacks trying to starve yourself because you ate more than you wanted to. What you ate is what you ate and the only rule is you need to log it.

    Over time, you will start to learn. Which things fill you up and help you eat a bit less, which things make you hungrier, what made you binge. And you will get good at it. Don't set aggressive goals, a pound a week is fine. It's not about punishing yourself for being fat. It's about loving yourself and learning to take good care of yourself. I have finally reached a point now where I realise logging isn't just tolerable - I'm actually happier when I'm watching my food and taking proper care of myself than when I'm eating whatever I want. It takes time, but you'll get there. You're worth it.
  • ashjongfit
    ashjongfit Posts: 147 Member
    Tackling depression will be key!

    As for at home workouts, honestly check out fitnessblender.com, free workouts and they even have a series called "For people who get bored easily" basically no repeat moves.

  • akilia112010
    akilia112010 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks you guys. My doctor told me that I fall in the category of symptoms for having PCOS. I've been logging for over 7 weeks and I'll only go over 1400 calories a day maybe once a week if anything so I'm about 90% certain that I eat much less than I use to. This past weekend was the only time I didn't log because I was distracted with all the football games I had to go to that I barely ate much. I'm not sure how to tackle the depression first since it's my weight that makes me this way and I haven't went to see a doctor about it because I just don't want to take more meds than I already have to. Exercise wise I've tried fitnessblender, jillian michaels, cassie ho, and pretty much random videos that I can find on youtube and as far as walking goes I can only enjoy it with a friend and the two I use to go with a lot both work night shifts so it's hard to meet up with them. As far as food goes I eat chicken at least 3 times a week, fish only once because I'm not a big fish fan and I'll eat shrimp. I'm pretty tired of beef for some reason so I'll barely eat that.

    But I guess I just have to keep trying. Just not seeing any type of progress after so long just doesn't help at all. I had hoped to have lost around 50 lbs throughout this whole year and ending up gain almost that much instead. Guess I'm just to discouraged at the moment. I'll try to keep trying.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    For me I needed to loose weight before even thinking about exercise. . Heck I could not walk around the block with out my back hurting ..

    I know all people are different .. for me it's nice to just focus on correct food logging .. the numbers work and so far I have not logged or counted exercise that I could have logged

    Good luck
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    red99ryder wrote: »
    For me I needed to loose weight before even thinking about exercise. . Heck I could not walk around the block with out my back hurting ..

    I know all people are different .. for me it's nice to just focus on correct food logging .. the numbers work and so far I have not logged or counted exercise that I could have logged

    Good luck

    There is definitely merit to focusing on mastering on thing at a time. I started off with a month of just focusing on food, no exercise whatsoever. Any step forward is a step forward, right?
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member

    This past weekend was the only time I didn't log because I was distracted with all the football games I had to go to that I barely ate much.

    I'm not sure how to tackle the depression first since it's my weight that makes me this way and I haven't went to see a doctor about it because I just don't want to take more meds than I already have to.

    But I guess I just have to keep trying. Just not seeing any type of progress after so long just doesn't help at all. I had hoped to have lost around 50 lbs throughout this whole year and ending up gain almost that much instead. Guess I'm just to discouraged at the moment. I'll try to keep trying.

    In case I've missed the answer somewhere, my apologies.

    Akilia, are you seeing a doctor about your depression and also about your weight? You've mentioned you can't get to do this for some reason. Can you ask the doctor to treat your depression without meds? Can they treat your weight without meds?

    Akilia, to continue to enjoy football games over many more weekends, do yourself a huge favor and make you and your health a priority. Are you at those football games as a choice? If so you were able to make football games a priority. Do you think you could give your health some of your time?

    You've made some progress. You're here on mfp which took courage. Recognize that and give yourself some credit and compassion. What is one thing you could do so that you move from trying to keep trying to moving forward with your goals. Have you seen a therapist?

    Also look at this past weekend as proof that you can do it. You say you barely ate much. Once you start using mfp you will have plenty of calories. You can do this!!!
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    edited October 2016
    Akilia, there's a thread in motivation and support where I found below, check out the link it could be useful
    So I've read a lot about how exercise is supposed to help people feel less depressed and increase moods... It hasn't worked for me though and sometimes I even feel a bit moodier after working out.. I don't know why, any tips on what could maybe help!?

    I'm NOT a professional medical / therapist /doctor please consult a REAL doctor if you are feeling depressed .... TALK TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY
    I think what they mean is that workout should be a supplement to help with ur dealing with depression. It increases endorphins and decreases cortisol levels but if you don't address the issues that are depressing or upsetting you you'll just be fighting a continuous battle and won't see results you want. Oh and listening to music while working out too....God bless you .

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Both depression and PCOS are things that require a firm diagnosis and treatment. Work on addressing that first and foremost. There are very good meds out there which can help significantly with both things. Your PCP can get you started with depression treatment or refer you to a specialist. For PCOS, it really is better to see an endocrinologist.

    I have PCOS, along with 4 other metabolic diseases. I have lost nearly 100 pounds. I have found that low carb is not necessary, but that moderate carb (for the sake of argument, let's say that is 75G-100G carbs/day) DOES make a big difference, and it is fairly easy and comfortable to maintain.

    How much do you exercise? Exercise needs to be a major part of your plan and it will only help with both conditions.

    Good luck to you!

  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    red99ryder wrote: »
    For me I needed to loose weight before even thinking about exercise. . Heck I could not walk around the block with out my back hurting ..

    I know all people are different .. for me it's nice to just focus on correct food logging .. the numbers work and so far I have not logged or counted exercise that I could have logged

    Good luck

    Same here-I lost over 50lbs without any exercise, instead I just focused on learning how to eat the appropriate amount of calories for my goals.