Looking for low carb buddies

Hello everyone I'm new to the low carb lifestyle and I have been on it for 2 weeks now and lost 8 lbs so far. I just wanted a couple of more friends on here so share different low carb idea and things feel free to add me as a friend


  • rquiles8
    rquiles8 Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me to your support friends. I have lost 30 pounds since June 8 and looking to lose another 25 pounds. I am at rquiles8 as my member and my focus has been on changing my diet. I am also a veteran of the US Army as well as a current AF member serving in the GA national guard, so I have to keep myself in shape to be able to pass my fitness test every year. Add me as your friend and I will send you some tips, encouragement, and prayer or any other advice I can give that would be helpful. After adding me as friend, go read my bio or take a look at my before & after pictures. Stay strong, healthy, happy, and active. GLMF
  • izzym310
    izzym310 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok awesome and can u add me because I dnt know how to add people
  • btluff
    btluff Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I started eating paleo about 7 weeks ago. I'm down 25 lbs total. I'd be happy to be friends.
  • izzym310
    izzym310 Posts: 12 Member
    btluff wrote: »
    Hi there. I started eating paleo about 7 weeks ago. I'm down 25 lbs total. I'd be happy to be friends.

    Hi there. I would love to be friends please send me a request so I can approve it for some reason it won't give me an option to add people. Can you also message me id like to know a lil more about paleo I've heard of it but don't know much about it. I'm so happy for you! 25lbs wow haha I hope I can lose that much in 5 more weeks lol I doubt it though. My goal is to be 145 by Valentine's day #goals
  • vregot
    vregot Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm up for a low calorie buddy! I'm Victoria and wanting to lose 20lb, I'm new to here so it'd be nice to have someone to talk to and see how everything works ☺
  • izzym310
    izzym310 Posts: 12 Member
    vregot wrote: »
    I'm up for a low calorie buddy! I'm Victoria and wanting to lose 20lb, I'm new to here so it'd be nice to have someone to talk to and see how everything works ☺

    Hi Victoria my name is Isabel and I'm not necessarily low calorie I try to stay at my calorie goal of 1200 but most of the time I'm under that goal so I mean I guess we can be low calorie buddies.
  • 1997ktwr1ght
    1997ktwr1ght Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I just started my new new eating lifestyle about two weeks ago and have already lost 3kg. I'm trying to eat about 50% protein, 30% fat and 20% carbs so I'm with you on the low carbs part :)
  • izzym310
    izzym310 Posts: 12 Member
    Nice! Congrats on your losses. Are you trying to do a low carb diet?
  • 1997ktwr1ght
    1997ktwr1ght Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah, I've heard that a low carb diet can help lose fat and I'm trying to gain muscle after I lose that fat so the protein should hopefully help. How are you finding cutting carbs from daily life?
  • izzym310
    izzym310 Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2016
    Just know that eating to much protein on this diet could knock you out of ketosis which is where your body is burning fat for energy instead of carbs. And cutting carbs from my diet has been interesting lol I've only been on this life style 2 weeks so I'm just noticing the changes in my day to day living. I'm way more aware of every thing I consume
  • countrysweet1127
    countrysweet1127 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been on low carb on and off for years finally trying to stick with it because it seems to be the only thing that has ever helped me to lose weight. I would add you as a friend but I'm new too and have no clue how this all works yet lol
  • ajmizzou
    ajmizzou Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I prefer low carb /high fat. Count me in, as a friend!
  • sumantaghosh
    sumantaghosh Posts: 3 Member
    I am following keto diet since 20th Oct. Lost 2.5 kg so far. Net carb intake is less than 20gm.
  • VB244
    VB244 Posts: 3 Member
    Could low carb ladies please add me. I'm on mobile and having trouble adding you all. Ladies only please xx
  • AShrinkingIWillGo
    I'm interested as well. Down 25 for the year by starting and stopping. Have much more to go. Need to stay focused and support helps! :)
  • ellekill
    ellekill Posts: 13 Member
    I just started as well on the 21 I'm down 5lbs feel free to add me as a friend I know I could always use the support