Under 300 kcal recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

jhajni Posts: 30 Member
Hey Guys, I would like to share my low carb burger recipe for dinner,

I made this in big quantities, so the described amount makes about 10-12 burgers, each of them is about 150kcal roughly. You can pair this with a low carb bun ( 90 kcal) and a few slices of tomatoes and lettuce and umm your dinner is satisfying and yummy

Burgers for 12 burgers

1 onion chopped
1 egg
1 small zucchini shredded
1 cup of shredded cauliflower
1 cup of black beans ( with the sauce in the can)
2/3 cup of cheese ( I used vegan mozzarella)
30g flax seed ( this could be a bit more, depending on the thickness off the burger.
Garlic powder
Chili powder

You can put all together in a food processor ( I did not, as i am on vacation and had no possibilities for it..), then leave it to rest for a half an hour,

I baked them in a non stick pan on a tiny bit of coconut oil. The low carb buns were whole wheat low carb buns and as spread I baked a whole aubergine in a pan, took off the skin and with salt, pepper i mashed together with some water to make it more spreadable.
Then burgers/ 2 slices of tomato and some lettuce. The family loved it.


  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    A russet potato (between 90-200 calories)( put it in the microwave for five min, turn, five min, turn, five min. the skin will be wrinkly. or bake it in the oven for an hour), 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, 1 tsp margerine, and some pepper!

    Buy a vegetti and sautee some zuchinni noodles. at parmesian cheese and butter with garlic. Or have zuchinni noodles spaghetti. Vegetti is WORTH. THE. MONEY.