Weight Fluctuations and Water Consumption

If I were to drink a full gallon of water one day and worked out would it have an effect on my weight the next morning?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Maybe, maybe not.

    If you are routinely dehydrated and then suddenly drink enough to fully hydrate, you would see an uptick in weight on the scale since water has weight. But if you normally ingest a gallon combined of other liquids and instead replace it with water, you likely wouldn't see a difference. Those are only two scenarios. There are too many variables to answer this question with any meaningful degree of accuracy.
  • applesandtapeline
    applesandtapeline Posts: 58 Member
    Drink two gallons. Eat in caloric deficit + low carbs and lost water weight next morning guaranteed.