Query about Calories burned during Jog in Hot Hot Sun

Ok so I have a question... maybe you have an answer...

So I've noticed that in the summer months (esp. now when it is like a 100 degrees outside...no lie) I tend to loose more weight in less time with just my normal daily 30 minute jog (50-60minutes on Friday's and some weekends). I recognize that the accelerated weight loss is due to more calories being burned from jogging in such extreme temperatures, however, I want to translate that on My fitness pal for myself in order to keep more accurate count of calories in and calories burned. I recognize that the figures calculated on on MFP are given normal outside temp and straight lines so to speak (doesn't account for inclines and suicide hot weather). Can anyone help me calculate calories burned? How many more calories do i burn in 100 degree weather? is there some sort of equation?

Also, too I want to treat myself to a soft serve ice cream cone at least once a month or every two weeks? Presently, I do it after my jog to give myself incentive... However, I am wondering if it would be better to eat it before i go jogging verses after?

P.S. I am not a pro at any of this stuff so please realize that if my questions seem novice it is because I they come from a novice. I have been skinny all my life, never had to worry about weight, diet, or exercise... all of a sudden I turned 25 (no children by the way) and my metabolism just straight did me dirty and traded sides... so in my older age I am forced to learn this stuff for the sake of my skinny jeans...:flowerforyou:


  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    You do not burn more calories in heat. Calories is a factor or work done. Not temperature.
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I'm sorry for the bad news but although it might feel harder, you're not actually burning any extra calories because of the hot weather. You are likely losing a lot more water as your body attempts to keep cool, but your cells still use up the same amount of energy to move your body.

    Perhaps you lose weight easier in the summer because you change your diet without thinking about it - I know I crave lots of creamy and carby foods in the winter and in the summer eating anything heavy feels like a chore.