Help! I need motivation



  • MrWilson6
    MrWilson6 Posts: 148 Member
    lista10 wrote: »
    What helps you be motivated to get up early in the cold morning to work out or do what ever? I'm always like ya I will tomorrow but then I'm to tired and to cold to want to get out of bed and work out! So I don't! Guys help I want to go but it's such a drag. I would do so much better if I had some one to go with that way I'm more willing to go!

    I'm always up for additional motivation myself, especially during this time of year when we have to turn the clocks back just to try and get an extra ounce of daylight. Not to mention the fact that we'll be blanketed with snow soon too!! The goal is to stay as active as possible this winter, and not fall in to that easy mode of being lazy.

    Add me if you like, so we can keep the motivation going!
  • lista10
    lista10 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks guys that helps a lot :)