Gluten causing joint pain?



  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    edited October 2016
    First, see your doctor and get tested, and get a diagnosis.
    Second, if your doctor is not open to dietary experimentation, find another doctor. (I am blessed with a GP who is top of his field and very informed of the latest findings in alternative treatments. We work well together...)
    Third, I can tell you from personal experience that the arthritis in my right knee and hip is dramatically improved since I changed my diet in February. Mostly Paleo, mostly gluten-, legume-, and dairy-free. Mostly!
    Fourth, you can look at my profile and logs to see what I've been up to.
    Fifth, I ain't perfect, so neither are my diaries...
    Sixth, good luck to you on your Path!

    PS: my doctor loves that I have 'gone Paleo' blood numbers have never looked better!
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    The gluten test is not always accurate. I don't have a problem with my joints, but gastrointestinal and I thought I was dying. I got an endoscopy and tested for celiac and the tests came back negative. BUT sure enough, after eliminating gluten from my diet my life was changed. I feel like the money I payed that doc was wasted except for the mere suggestion of it possibly being gluten and if someone had clued me in before going I wouldn't have been out of the money. Sometimes doing your own research and just trying some things out if your situation isn't particularly dire is smart. If it is dire and you don't have the time to waste then seeing your doctor may be beneficial. Better to find out before it gets worse as well.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited October 2016
    First, see your doctor and get tested, and get a diagnosis.
    Second, if your doctor is not open to dietary experimentation, find another doctor. (I am blessed with a GP who is top of his field and very informed of the latest findings in alternative treatments. We work well together...)
    Third, I can tell you from personal experience that the arthritis in my right knee and hip is dramatically improved since I changed my diet in February. Mostly Paleo, mostly gluten-, legume-, and dairy-free. Mostly!
    Fourth, you can look at my profile and logs to see what I've been up to.
    Fifth, I ain't perfect, so neither are my diaries...
    Sixth, good luck to you on your Path!

    PS: my doctor loves that I have 'gone Paleo' blood numbers have never looked better!

    Can I see your doctor? All of mine drive me crazy with "diet doesn't help" even though my numbers and symptoms demonstrate otherwise.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Hamsibian wrote: »

    Can I see your doctor? All of mine drive me crazy with "diet doesn't help" even though my numbers and symptoms demonstrate otherwise.

    Hi! You must be aware of this?

    We are literally 'what we eat'. The molecules in our food become us. How can it be different?
  • celestial2763
    celestial2763 Posts: 29 Member
    Even tho I am still going to try my 7 day trial (can't hurt right?) Considering i felt pretty ok 2 weeks ago I will definitely bring this issue up with my Doctor next time I see him Thank you so much for all the output!!
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Yeah, I am aware of it! Unfortunately, most of the practitioners don't take insurance. I see a Traditional Chinese medicine doctor who performs acupuncture. We also work on diet, exercise, the works, and she has been so helpful with my health journey. I still have to see Western doctors. My new GI is more accepting of my diet, but still keeps suggesting for me to drink Ensure - even after I tell him that the excessive sugar intake makes me feel like crap.

    Your quote reminds me of Michael Pollan's "You are what you eat eats". More nutrition hours need to be mandatory in medical school; it's so ridiculous.