SHORT GIRLS - goals, tips, motivation

I've been using MFP for almost a year now, but never checked out the community!

So I've struggled with my weight since I was 10 and have never been able to reach an ideal weight. So many diets and extreme exercise plans, but I could never stick with anything consistently and just made myself sick. I even would write down all my calories and macros in a notebook, but that didn't work. I think those online calculators were incorrect, especially for my size, so I just ended up gaining weight instead.

Finally, I'm beginning to see real progress. I'm 5'0" (4'11.5" actually, but I round up), and at my heaviest, I was 140 lbs. Currently, I'm at 126 and my goal weight is 90-95 (losing weight alone). I plan to build muscle and get lean, so I'll probably weigh closer to 100 or a little over that in the end!

Right now I try to consume 1000 calories per day or less and that's working well for me. I seem to maintain at 1200 and gain at 1300 -1400+. I also try to take an hour walk with my dog every day and I don't eat back the calories, either. I'm trying to get more into the habit of using my weighted hula hoop too! I'll focus on strength training with weights later on, when I've lost more weight.

Oh, and I'm 23. I'm just looking for friends in a similar position. We can all help keep each other on track and motivate each other :)