calisthenics and cardio

Not much a weight lifter kind of guy.

Start with elipticle rowing and skipping

Than its on to Pushups, situps, pullups/chinups, v sits, squats and planks and side planks rinse and repeat until I collapse.thats how I get things done put on a good sweat and still be good to go the next day and everyday. What about you what weightless exercises do you like


  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Have you tried plyometric exercises? They involve jumping or compound full body movements. Kinda fun and very effective. I also like to find a big staircase like one on the side of a hill or in a stadium and do intervals on those. I like sprint intervals too- preferably on a track, so I walk the curves, run or sprint on the straights. Also fitnessblender on YouTube has some great no-weight exercise videos. They have dumbbell/free weight workouts too if you're into trying that.