How long do you wait before exercising?



    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    I work out early in the morning (when I don't have a broken foot) and never, ever eat before a workout.

    I wish I could work out on a empty stomach. Only a quick 20 min walk...other than that, I need food.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    edited October 2016
    All training for me is immediately after dinner. I lift though so it's not an issue. I cannot train properly if I'm hungry. I've been in situations before when I've brought food with me.

    I don't think I'd be into heavy cardio after pasta.
  • sillekered
    sillekered Posts: 10 Member
    I exercise approx four hours every morning, 1 hr running 5.75miles & 3 hr cycling 46 miles Mon to Fri, 4 hrs cycling 60 miles Sat & Sun. I frequently do this with no breakfast just a cup of tea. I find no performance difference with or without breakfast. Everyone is different so do what works for you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I usually cycle during my lunch I usually eat breakfast around 3-3.5 hours. I lift on Thursday evenings around 5:30...I usually have an afternoon snack around 3 or a couple hours. I also lift on Saturday mid morningish and have eaten breakfast a couple hours earlier.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    renae161 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    I work out early in the morning (when I don't have a broken foot) and never, ever eat before a workout.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you never eat at all before a workout? Isn't that really bad?

    No it typically depletes your body of energy pushing it into fat burning mode, on the other hand your workout will suffer when you train fasted. All in all everything really depends on what goals you have for yourself.

    My workouts don't suffer when training fasted. Not lifting close to my max, not running for 10+ mi. As long as my stomach isn't cramping from hunger and I haven't reached the point of nausea (my post-stomach growling hunger signal), then I'm good. I'll also workout after eating. I'm not terribly particular about it.

    OP, how long I wait after eating depends on what I ate. Something dry like crackers, or small like a protein bar and I can go immediately. A full meal needs a couple of hours to settle, and so does a large drink. I find liquids are a real problem for me. More than a swallow or two close to any significant effort and it wants to come right back up. Yuck.
  • hpacaro
    hpacaro Posts: 25 Member
    I always workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. If I do a second later in the day, then I always wait at least 2 hours between a meal and exercising... with the only exception being a protein shake. If I'm starving but know I need to teach a class then I can drink one about an hour before and still be OK.
  • DangleSnipe
    DangleSnipe Posts: 37 Member
    I like to eat a big meal 6 hours before... Take a nap ....maybe have a small snack almonds dried apricots 2 hours before. Works for me
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It takes 30---60 minutes for the food to start energizing you. If it was a big meal, prob wait an hour so you don't get sick .