Took a Fall...

SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Just as I was feeling all triumphant over finishing off C25K's Week Three, this happens:


BAH! I was too busy fooling around with my MP3 player that I didn't see I was veering to the edge of the sidewalk and I pretty much rolled over my ankle right over the edge of the sidewalk and fell down in the most ungraceful/un-athletic way possible. *LOL*

It was bad enough that I couldn't get up quickly and pretend that nobody saw that...I limped down the street and after walking it off, was able to finish my Day 3 run. Thought that was that.

Later on that evening, my foot started feeling really stiff and painful and swollen!


UGH! I just hate that this is going to put me behind schedule and I'm scared that taking time off will deter me from getting back out there and starting Week 4!!!

Anywho, thanks for listening.

I haven't gone to get it checked out...I still have anti-inflammatories from last week when the doctor prescribed them for my PF, so I'll just continue taking those and hope that they'll be helpful for this as well. Has anybody experienced this? Tips?



  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    That looks pretty bad, you might want to get it checked out or get some sort of brace for it. I have issues with my right knee when I run and I have a brace that I wear when I'm running now that helps a lot. I know you don't want to lose momentum, but if you keep running on a sprained ankle, you'll just keep re-injuring it. I would get it checked out, it looks like you might have sprained it... :ohwell: Ouch!
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Oh no... Get better soon!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    awww I'm sorry! that sucks!
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I'm doing the c2k5 too! I'm on week 7 day 2. I missed some days (i like to run one day and take the next day off) but you just gotta keep it moving. Just continue when you get better. I personally wouldn't even take a step back.

    Doesn't it feel good knocking down those weeks? I can't believe I jogged for 25 mins yesterday and didn't feel horrible. It really is a very uplifting experience.

    Good luck with the recovery and good luck with the program!

    Edit: With a "about me" like you have on your profile, I can't believe you only have 4 friends. *request sent.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    That sucks!! I did a similar thing last year training for a 50 mile bike ride. 2 weeks before it I went head over handle bars but my foot stayed clipped in!! I was on crutches for over a week.

    Remember the RICE formula..Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

    Get better soon!
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Oh...and after the swelling goes down and you can walk ok on it, get a wobble board. Use it for 5 minutes 2x a day. That will help restrengthen those smaller ligaments on the sides which are prone to reinjury.
  • melodieRN
    melodieRN Posts: 49
    If you are still not walking on it and it is still swollen, go to the er and get an xray. Could be nothing but could be something. I don't like the looks of it and I'm a health care worker but sometimes pics are decieving.
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    I had a fall this week aswell,fell off my bicycle in the most ungraceful way,almost onto a baby pram,
    really bad mistake!

    But I don't feel injured or aching!

    Besides that,I hope you get better,it does look a little swollen,but
    yes rest and ice should help! :)
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    You need to get it checked out I did the same thing years ago and it was so swollen ,found out a few years later that I had broke it ! No wonder it was so weak as once the massive swelling had gone down I just limped around for ages .

    Fell last year and broke the same ankle again ,was in plaster for about 8 weeks had the plaster of and fell first day of our hols same ankle again ,its now so swollen have been told it will never go down .

    Keep it elevated and put ice packs on it ,I was told to do circular movements with it ,but I wouldnt do that until you have had it checked out .
    Hope its nothing to serious .
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    That looks bad! I agree with some of the others, you may want to get it looked at. Also agree with RICE. Biggest thing is don't get discouraged. I managed to tear up both of my ankles doing Insanity and now all I can do is ride bicycle, but I don't want to push things too fast and hurt myself more, so be patient and heal up all the way before you run. If you're able to bike, that's a good way to keep up your cardiovascular gains you've made with the C25K until you can get back out there. Good luck and feel better.
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